I thought I would find the answer to this question on the net. So I browsed. Found quite a number of interesting pages but either they were a few years old or there was no date as to when they were current.

I know in 2006 when I got marred it was considerably cheaper for a similar lifestyle as it was in Spain, and at that time Spain was cheaper than UK. Not sure that it is now, as of course I have my income in pounds and the cost of living varies with the exchange rate.

Petrol is about 1.20 € a liter. Thats about £1 but a while back 1.20€ would have been 80 pence. So for me the cost of living here has risen. The same applies to Phil. If your income is in say pounds, with a weaker pound against the Peso, its got more expensive by comparison, even ignoring any actual rise in the peso price of goods.