Thanks to everyone who replied.
I will reply to people more fully soon....
It really is heart-warming, especially as I have been feeling low since leaving her in Cebu.
I suppose so many of you out there have been, or are going through, the wait.
I am not finding it easy, perhaps that is testament to the love of a Filipina.
I thought I knew about feelings but the constant tidal wave of affection that came my way recently whilst over there has left such a big empty space now.
It will get easier when her fever goes away and she lives on the mainland next to an internet cafe with skype. I cannot make voice contact with her at the moment, only text.
So it seems she should wait for the NSO marriage certificate and then go for her passport with her new family name.
Without opening up that loooong thread about the misappropriation of funds via Western Union,
the Uncle was at Rochelyn's sister's wedding 3 weeks earlier than ours; he hid behind people all the time.

He still owed her P1,500 and I phoned him a week later to tell him to pay her.
The money arrived the next day.

As some of you may remember, he caused us a lot of grief.

It was closure for me and it brought a smile to Rochelyn's face.

Once again, thanks for all the congrats.