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Thread: Who are these so called " MILF"

  1. #1
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Who are these so called " MILF"

    The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) is a Muslim separatist rebel group located in Southern Philippines.[1] The area where the group is active is called Bangsamoro by the MILF and it covers the southern portion of Mindanao, the Sulu Archipelago, Palawan, Basilan and the neighboring islands. There are approximately 4.5 million Muslims in the Philippines[2] and the majority live within this area.


    The Moro Islamic Liberation Front was first centred around the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), formed in the late 1960s following the violent Jabidah Massacre. The group demanded the formation of an independent Moro Islamic state and took part in terrorist attacks and assassinations to promote their ideas. The central government rejected this demand and sent troops into Moroland to maintain order. The MILF was formed in 1981 when Salamat Hashem and his followers split from the MNLF, due to the MNLF's reluctance to launch an insurgency against the Philippine government forces and movements towards a peace agreement.[3]

    In January 1987, the MNLF accepted the government's offer of semi-autonomy. The MILF refused to accept the offer. The MILF became the largest separatist group in the Philippines. A general cessation of hostilities was signed in July 1997 but this agreement was broken in 2000 by the government of Joseph Estrada. The MILF initially declared a jihad but became more receptive, especially following claims it is linked to the Abu Sayyaf and al Qaeda. A cease-fire accord was signed with President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo [1][2].

    Despite peace negotiations that had appeared to be fruitful and a two year cease-fire, in January 2005 MILF operatives attacked government troops in Maguindanao resulting in at least twenty-three deaths. Led by Abdul Rahman Binago, one hundred MILF rebels surrounded the soldiers and were believed to have executed several wounded. The combined troops of MILF, Abu Sofia and Abu Sayyaf were involved in days of fighting which necessitated government troops using 105 mm howitzers to attack the rebel forces. Thousands of civilians in Maguindanao were forced to leave their homes to avoid danger.[citation needed]

    The MILF denied authorizing the attack, and said they were trying to communicate with Binago. A spokesman explained that a relative of Binago had recently been killed by government troops and speculated this might have motivated his activities[citation needed]. The incident, along with a 2003 bombing at Davao airport which the Philippine government blamed on rogue MILF elements,[4] raised speculation that the peace negotiations might be ineffectual in bringing peace to Mindanao if the MILF is unable to control its operatives. The MILF denies ties with terrorist group Jemaah Islamiyah, although Jemaah Islamiyah is believed to have provided them with training facilities in areas they control [5][6]. The MILF also continues to deny connections with Al-Qaeda, though it has admitted to sending around 600 volunteers to Al-Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan, and that Osama Bin Laden sent money to the Moro region, though the group denies directly receiving any of the money.[7] A new round of fighting occurred from June 28 to July 6, 2006, between the MILF and armed civilian volunteers ("CVOs") under Maguindanao Province Governor Andal Ampatuan who were backed by Philippine Army troops. The fighting began after Governor Ampatuan blamed the MILF for a June 23 bomb attack on his motorcade, which killed five in his entourage. The MILF denied responsibility, but Ampatuan sent police and CVOs to arrest MILF personnel allegedly connected to the attack. Four thousand families were reported displaced by the fighting that followed, which was ended by a cease-fire agreement signed July 10-11.[8]

    Recent development

    In March 2007, the Philippine government offered to recognize the right of self-determination for the Moros, the Muslims in the south, which it had never done in over three decades of conflict and intermittent negotiations.[3]

    On July 12, 2007, Islamic militants in Basilan, southern Philippines killed 14 marines, beheading 10 of them, while 9 other marines were wounded and at least 4 rebels were killed. The fight took place as the marines were searching for kidnapped Italian priest, Fr. Giancarlo Bossi (June 10). An MILF spokesman later confirmed that some its members had been involved in the clash, despite the fact the MILF is currently engaged in peace talks with the government. Mohagher Iqbal, the chief negotiator for the MILF, denied that it was responsible for the beheadings or in priest's abduction.[9]On July 19, 2007, despite no ransom being paid for the freedom of Father Giancarlo Bossi, 57 - who was kidnapped on June 10 in Zamboanga Sibugay province, 810 kilometres south of Manila - he was released. He pointed to members of the notorious Abu Sayyaf rebel group as his kidnappers. Authorities blamed a renegade commander of the MILF for Bossi's kidnapping, but it denied any involvement.[10]The MILF said the release of Bossi proved the information they have been feeding to the military -- but which was supposedly largely ignored -- was correct after all. Mohagher Iqbal, MILF information officer and chief negotiator, said had the military listened to them, the incident in Albarka (Tipo-Tipo), Basilan, where 14 Marine soldiers were killed, 10 of them beheaded, could have been avoided. Iqbal said they had been telling the military that Bossi was not in Basilan but they were not heeded, so that it could order troops to operate within rebel territory in Basilan.[11]

  2. #2
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    In short they are still TERRORIST, CRIMINALS, MURDERES and EVIL one's

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amyburple View Post
    In short they are still TERRORIST, CRIMINALS, MURDERES and EVIL one's
    Depending on which side of the fence you are on
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    One mans terriost is another man freedom fighter.

  5. #5
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    They want to RULE the Island of Mindanao, which is not FAIR!

  6. #6
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    My wife continues to regard these groups as all just bunches of thugs. I try to explain it is much more complicated than that, with many splits and different approaches. She has witnessed an attack herself so is a little bit prejudiced. From what I hear many who get involved at the bottom levels do so only because they get paid a little and not for any strongly held political motives. Cure the poverty and the problem gets a lot less. I think it is always sad when religious beliefs clash, with both sides claiming that they know all the answers. Mutual respect under the law is so much better. I make no excuses for terrorism and no group should ever employ such tactics.

  7. #7
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amyburple View Post
    They want to RULE the Island of Mindanao, which is not FAIR!
    Murder of innocent civilians, torture, kidnapping, attacking in other countries...........and that's America
    Keith - Administrator

  8. #8
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Murder of innocent civilians, torture, kidnapping, attacking in other countries...........and that's America

    Wanna shoot them ALL kick them all..............

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by amyburple View Post
    Wanna shoot them ALL kick them all..............
    Whatever happened to "turn the other cheek" and "loving your enemy"? Do try to understand that these guys have another point of view and that their rules and expectations are not like yours. Only by returning hate with love can progress ever be made.

  10. #10
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
    .....Only by returning hate with love can progress ever be made.
    ...or we could just nuke'em
    Keith - Administrator

  11. #11
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    ...or we could just nuke'em

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    ...or we could just nuke'em
    Bit extreme that! Trouble is that eventually the backers of these groups will probably have a "nuke" too (in Iran?) and might just decide to retaliate. I realise your suggestion is a little tongue in cheek and I accept that sometimes you need to meet force with even greater force but sometime an accomodation has to be made between heartfelt beliefs.

  13. #13
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I was talking about nuking the Yanks
    Keith - Administrator

  14. #14
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    I was talking about nuking the Yanks

    Now that is something I can agree with. In theory anyway. I think an interesting debate might be "would the world be a better place if the USA had never existed? Too late now just to debate what would happen if it were nuked off the face of the earth. It's culture is too deeply entrenched already. But if it had never existed............

  15. #15
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    The world would be a better place if the USA managed to vote in a President that knows at least ONE of the three R's
    Keith - Administrator

  16. #16
    Respected Member gracia143's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I was talking about nuking the Yanks
    When Grecia Burnham, her husband, along with other people were abducted in Palawan, Philippine Forces made a massive attack on the MI's...when therey were closing in on them most of us thought there wouldn't be any other way for them to get out of the situation but alas they did (you all must have read or heard of the story). My theory was, they Yanks helped them (MI heavy artilleries and ammunitions were made from 'we know where'). So, maybe nuking is a good idea?
    The bravest thing that men do is love women--Mort Sahl

  17. #17
    Respected Member gracia143's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    The world would be a better place if the USA managed to vote in a President that knows at least ONE of the three R's
    Paris Hilton, anyone???
    The bravest thing that men do is love women--Mort Sahl

  18. #18
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
    Whatever happened to "turn the other cheek" and "loving your enemy"? Do try to understand that these guys have another point of view and that their rules and expectations are not like yours. Only by returning hate with love can progress ever be made.
    How would you love them They even didn't love there SELF.... They are so SELFISH, If you experience leaving on Mindanao you will know what I'm saying!

    Yea I agree with the BOSS let's NUKE them I guess that's better

  19. #19
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    ...or we could just nuke'em
    Yes let's NUKE them... Where can I get the NUKE boss. I will do it my SELF hayyyyyyyyy!

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by amyburple View Post
    Yes let's NUKE them... Where can I get the NUKE boss. I will do it my SELF hayyyyyyyyy!
    No I have never seen any of this, nor am I likely to visit Mindanao, but my wife has described in some detail what she went through. It is not necessary for me to witness this at first hand to understand it though. Actually you can see more of a wall when you stand back from it than when looking up close.
    I also think your responses emphasise very well a significant difference between a Filipino and a British way of dealing with things. In my experience a Filipino does not think of tomorrow, but only of what is needed right now. If tomorrow is bad then that is just fate, you can do nothing about it so why worry or plan. We Brits do try to anticipate what lies ahead and therefore modify our actions today so that tomorrow will be better. Someone once explained to me that this cultural difference is rooted in the different climates of our homelands. In the tropics food can be grown and gathered all year, so why worry about storing anything. In the UK, and the rest of Europe, everyone had to rely on stored food in the winter time so we learned to plan ahead.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
    No I have never seen any of this, nor am I likely to visit Mindanao, but my wife has described in some detail what she went through. It is not necessary for me to witness this at first hand to understand it though. Actually you can see more of a wall when you stand back from it than when looking up close.
    I also think your responses emphasise very well a significant difference between a Filipino and a British way of dealing with things. In my experience a Filipino does not think of tomorrow, but only of what is needed right now. If tomorrow is bad then that is just fate, you can do nothing about it so why worry or plan. We Brits do try to anticipate what lies ahead and therefore modify our actions today so that tomorrow will be better. Someone once explained to me that this cultural difference is rooted in the different climates of our homelands. In the tropics food can be grown and gathered all year, so why worry about storing anything. In the UK, and the rest of Europe, everyone had to rely on stored food in the winter time so we learned to plan ahead.
    Some good points there. I am off to Davao very soon, I am a little apprehensive, but when you realise the island is 4 times bigger than Wales, and the roads are only slightly worse then I am treating my apprehension as a self-defence exercise.

    About the MILF, and the NPA - as someone said, some acts are taken out by groups who are not members of these organisations, but claim they act for them. Whilst poverty is strife in the area, some people will do anything to put food on the table - they act in survival not support.

    It is a tough situation, I would love it to end, and I would love peace to happen. But when one group is appeased, there will be another group asking for more. And they have a load of poverty stricken people that will carry out their deeds for money to feed the kids.

  22. #22
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    Why are people so intent on killing each other? We are supposed to be intelligent creatures. But, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. I agree that the Muslims have rights to land on Mindanao (maybe even the whole island, if you know the history of that island), but cannot see why Catholics and Muslims cannot live in peace. In the majority, they are. So why not all of them?

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    The world would be a better place if the USA managed to vote in a President that knows at least ONE of the three R's
    Well the facts are that we voted someonelse in. Al Gore won the majority of the people`s vote in 2000. The Neo-Con controled US Supreme court STOLE the election and gave it to Bush.
    Next off- yes Bush is just as stupid as he appears to be but it does not matter a bit because he isn`t the one running the show anyway (it starts with Cheney). Lastly,the people that are running things in the USA are the same people running the show in the UK.(or hooked in so tight with its the same as)
    Orwell had it right... he was only 20 years off.

  24. #24
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by USA View Post
    Well the facts are that we voted someonelse in. Al Gore won the majority of the people`s vote in 2000.
    I keep telling folk that, he won by around 2%, but the stupid political arena in the US make the winner the loser.

    They've just done it again with Hilary, odds on to be the next President with all the bookies, wins the most votes, so loses
    Keith - Administrator

  25. #25
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    The world would be a better place if the USA managed to vote in a President that knows at least ONE of the three R's
    Racketeering,Rouge trading and Recklessness

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    Racketeering,Rouge trading and Recklessness
    Exactly precisely correct
    Look, flat out,I`ll tell it to you- served with no chaser.
    The once grand United States of America (and through it a large part of the world and its economy) has been high-jacked by interlocking circles of criminal organizations starting at the very highest levels.
    The Bush family for example have always been a crime family from the earliest days of opium smuggling on to trading with the Nazis right till the end of WWII being caught red-hand yet no charges filed(Prescott Bush) to the Bay of Pigs/ Kennedy assassination (George Bush Sr former CIA chief, then selected vice president to Reagan)
    To stealing elections (G. Bush 2000) to being CEO at Securecom contracted security for Dulles airport and the World Trade Center, Marvin Bush 2001) They always have people in key positions by being in a (now less and less so) Secret Society that calls itself The Order.
    Thats just for starters of whats going on in the good ol` USA`s
    "political arena". And dont think for a minute the UK isnt in lock step with every bit of this.
    And yep its all about oil-every single time you hear of a conflict the major powers are involved in, every single time-
    World Trade Center and Iraq with Afganistan(monster gas pipeline
    from the Caspian) to the Bali bombing, the standoff with Iran and Russia etc etc, through right to todays headlines-the pipeline through South Ossetia, the trail always leads back to oil. Specifcally gaining control of the worlds last known resources.
    Complete control of the worlds economy is what they are after, so they dont care what lies they have to tell or how many have to die.

  27. #27
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    The world would be a better place if the USA managed to vote in a President that knows at least ONE of the three R's
    Three i can only think of two ronnies, corbett and barker

  28. #28
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by USA View Post
    Exactly precisely correct
    Look, flat out,I`ll tell it to you- served with no chaser.
    The once grand United States of America (and through it a large part of the world and its economy) has been high-jacked by interlocking circles of criminal organizations starting at the very highest levels.
    The Bush family for example have always been a crime family from the earliest days of opium smuggling on to trading with the Nazis right till the end of WWII being caught red-hand yet no charges filed(Prescott Bush) to the Bay of Pigs/ Kennedy assassination (George Bush Sr former CIA chief, then selected vice president to Reagan)
    To stealing elections (G. Bush 2000) to being CEO at Securecom contracted security for Dulles airport and the World Trade Center, Marvin Bush 2001) They always have people in key positions by being in a (now less and less so) Secret Society that calls itself The Order.
    Thats just for starters of whats going on in the good ol` USA`s
    "political arena". And dont think for a minute the UK isnt in lock step with every bit of this.
    And yep its all about oil-every single time you hear of a conflict the major powers are involved in, every single time-
    World Trade Center and Iraq with Afganistan(monster gas pipeline
    from the Caspian) to the Bali bombing, the standoff with Iran and Russia etc etc, through right to todays headlines-the pipeline through South Ossetia, the trail always leads back to oil. Specifcally gaining control of the worlds last known resources.
    Complete control of the worlds economy is what they are after, so they dont care what lies they have to tell or how many have to die.
    Control through fear

    you might like this i watched it today

  29. #29
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    You are more likely to die changing the bulb in your bathroom than a terrorist attack.

    In fact around 40,000+ die on US roads a many died on 9/11? ......and yet I see no one invading Japan for making cars
    Keith - Administrator

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    Noah, under God's direction and blueprints, built the Ark.
    At the given signal, all the animals on earth, boarded in twos, and settled for a rough ride on board.
    Soon the deluge started and the rain fell incessantly for weeks and weeks until the known world was totally flooded.
    One day, Noah's wife complained to her husband about the awful smell onboard and handed him and her kids pitchforks to deal with the problem in hand.
    As soon as the weather settled a little, they started throwing the human and animal waste overboard...

    A few thousand years later...............

    Columbus discovered it..............

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