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Thread: Italy.....

  1. #1
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    Cool Italy.....

    We flew, friday the 29th Aug. at silly o'clock in the morning, from Liverpool john Lennon Airport. Ryanair to Ciampino, Rome.
    The flight was uneventful, apart from a very dodgy cheese and ham "panini", with dubious expiry date...

    Stepping out of the plane in Rome, was like entering a furnace.... The heat was fierce at first, but slowly you got used to it and didn't pay much attention to it.

    Immigration for Jet was a doddle... "Is this lady your wife?" yes I said.... "Have a nice vacation" he replied....
    The few polish people on the same plane did not have the same courtesy shown.... I noticed... I wonder why....

    Picked up the hired Opel Corsa from Hertz in record time and within minutes I adjusted to driving on the right.
    While I was driving along towards my hometown, Jet was shrieking with delight at all the various fruits being grown in the orchards and private house gardens.
    Every few minutes she was asking me to stop and take photos..... Yeah... right....
    After little over one hour of driving we arrive at the Hotel...
    Penthouse room on the 4th floor with balcony.
    The view was breath taking.
    For six days we overdosed on fresh fish, shellfish, calamares, fruit, the best ice creams that you can find on earth and lots of sunshine and fresh air.
    The Sunday after our arrival was more special than any other sunday, as I took Jet to see the Pope in the flesh... We left rather early to make sure that we could get inside the Papal cortyard in Castelgandolfo, near Rome. We queued for about an hour and a half, soaking up the sunshine, and then we went inside in the shade. After about 30 minutes He got on the balcony and welcomed all the pilgrims.
    The unfortunate ones that were not able to make it inside, did watch it on large screen TVs outside.
    Jet was overwhelmed, and prayed there and then for her younger sister's soul.
    I must admit that I was a bit moved by it all myself....
    I think that this was the highlight of her trip to Italy.
    After the "Angelus", we made for the exits and being just after lunch I decided to let my wife try the local speciality.... Lechon.
    Need less to say that she was really impressed now....
    The rest of the holiday was spent driving her around to see the sights. But going to Rome itself was different, because for convenience we went by train, as driving in the city would have been suicidal.... There we did go and see the various landmarks like the vatican, Coliseum,The forum, Trevi fountain and also lesser tourist attracting places.
    Obviously, the amount of photographs she took would have bankrupted me if they were taken on 35mm film....
    One lazy afternoon we did go to the beach for a swim, the water was nice and clean and we spent two hours frolicking like teenagers in the sea.
    The customary couple of meetings and meals with my relatives went extremely well and they were very pleased to meet Jet and remarked how beautiful she looked and always with a smile on her lips.
    On wednesday we went to Terracina, lovely town by the sea, and visited....

    All in all the trip was very successful and the marvellous weather helped recharge the batteries for the next few months.
    The flight back was a very sad occasion, and the cold on arrival in Liverpool heralded the shape of things to come....
    I will post some photos as soon as possible for all to see.
    Bye for now

    Ps... I have posted some photos in my albums

  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Lovely Country Italy. I know My Wife, her mother and other realtives feel at home there due to a mixture of weather culture and religion that they can identify with.

    Glad that Jet and you had a great time Sir

  3. #3
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    watta lovely flight ei dom
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  4. #4
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    We live on Costa del Sol, so also enjoy the warm sunny days and very ocassionaly that stuff we see on Sky, what do you call it, rain ?

    From Fuengirola only a cool 28C today.

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    We live on Costa del Sol, so also enjoy the warm sunny days and very ocassionaly that stuff we see on Sky, what do you call it, rain ?

    From Fuengirola only a cool 28C today.
    well i live near the 'Costa del Dole' (Liverpool ), and i like the rain, better than burning in the suns heat

    oh and the sun is shining here now

  6. #6
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Nice one dom
    Lucky Jet..its my dream to see the pope and visit the st peter's square. We plan it last year but get preggy .


  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you wonder why the polish were not treated the same


    now why can the Italian gov get away with it, and brown can't get terrorist and murders deported

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    now why can the Italian gov get away with it, and brown can't get terrorist and murders deported

    A definite lack of gonads, maybe....????

  9. #9
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i think your right dom,

    needs a gov minister to tell the euro union/ court of 'human rights' to and have the balls to do it anyway

  10. #10
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    Has this post slipped away from a description of a trip to Italy to a line supporting 'its OK to take away the rights of a minority?' The blog refers to Roma people (Gypsies) being discriminated against. This does not equate with taking a firm line against terrorists and murders, and for that matter any convicted criminal.

    I am British living in Spain, my wife is Filipino living in Spain, most pf the members here are minorities !

    Of all people don't let us support such an obnoxious, thin end of the wedge, idea

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    Has this post slipped away from a description of a trip to Italy to a line supporting 'its OK to take away the rights of a minority?' The blog refers to Roma people (Gypsies) being discriminated against. This does not equate with taking a firm line against terrorists and murders, and for that matter any convicted criminal.

    I am British living in Spain, my wife is Filipino living in Spain, most pf the members here are minorities !

    Of all people don't let us support such an obnoxious, thin end of the wedge, idea
    For a start, Italy and Italians are in general not racists.
    For millennia, starting with the Romans, we have welcomed foreigners, of all creeds and colours, into our midst, and sometime we had our butts bitten by them.
    Slaves and foreign legionnaires were given the chance to become roman citizens, the formers by buying themselves out of bondage and the latters by serving in the roman army and manage to keep alive untile retirement.
    Needless to say is that all citizens of the conquered territories were granted the citizenship automatically, after a few years.

    Today is slightly different inasmuch as that immigration is out of control, here in the UK as in the rest of Europe.
    Italy is plagued by the fact of being the first stepping stone for many bogus refugees from the Eastern European Nations and the whole of the North African coast, and all of them without identity documents of any sort.
    More so is the argument of the Roma Gipsies. The vast majority of them are a nuisance, they forcibly beg in the street, they steal, they rob and rape. the crime situation in Rome has escalated because of them. And people like them.
    So the idea of taking photos and fingerprints, to me, is sound. If they get caught doing anything criminal they can be sent back where they come from. Kids too, they eventually will grow to adults, prevention is better than cure.

    I suppose that you are not aware that many schools in the UK, with the blessing of the H.O. and the police are routinely fingerprinting and taking DNA samples of our kids....
    Without the knowledge or permission of the parents....

    Italy is condemned by the liberal lobby of doing exactly what it is in its best interest.

    Never mind all that.... It was a lovely exilirating holiday.

  12. #12
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    All minorities should be deported from the UK.......for instance....the Labour Party
    Keith - Administrator

  13. #13
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    Has this post slipped away from a description of a trip to Italy to a line supporting 'its OK to take away the rights of a minority?' The blog refers to Roma people (Gypsies) being discriminated against. This does not equate with taking a firm line against terrorists and murders, and for that matter any convicted criminal.

    I am British living in Spain, my wife is Filipino living in Spain, most pf the members here are minorities !

    Of all people don't let us support such an obnoxious, thin end of the wedge, idea
    'its OK to take away the rights of a minority?' most of them are illegal immigrants, so what rights do you give them ? same rights you have

    the UK has an estimated 500,000 illegal immigrants, and some people say its nearer 1 million.

    sure were all minorities in some ways ,but not a minority when it comes to being an illegal immigrant, who, for many came on a Visitor or student visa many years ago and never went back, knowing they were breaking immigration laws, but didn't give a damn, and making it more difficult for others to come, who wouldn't have over stayed.

    anyway my point was, that Italy can round up people and take their finger prints and its ok, while this gov cannot get murders or terrorist deported because of their 'human rights' without never ending appeals.

    dom asked why the polish were not treated the same way, maybe because many people now think that a uncontrolled border less european union is not working

    and if your concerned about minorities, those on work permits who have worked here for 4 or 5 years could be sent back, as the uk tries to control immigration

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