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Thread: network connection when in Hongkong

  1. #1
    Member Ecxy's Avatar
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    network connection when in Hongkong

    am just going to hongkong this week and am worry my network which is smart wont function there..or any suggestion what i cn do to use this still even im there in Hongkong to keep the communication here in Ph WITH MY i know my husband got two sim card one from here Philippines and when his there in Hongkonh he use the hongkong sim as network from here dont function in there..

  2. #2
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Your using smart so all you have to do is to roaming your number. It will gonna work when your in HK then and your family will deducted 1 peso per text to you. See to it that your phone is TRI-BAND.Pls activate your roaming service an hour before of departure.Here is details, you may call the costumer service through your phone free of charge and they can do it manually to you or via text..Be sure too that you will have lots of load coz there is a maintaining balance.I think 500 daily not sure about call

    Customer service for your Philippines prepaid SIM card is available 24 hr./day by dialing *888 at any time from your Philippines cellular phone. From a landline, dial +63 (632) 888-1111. You may also send a text message to 888 from your handset.

    If your a Globe Subscriber and you want to roam your number any part of the world:Even UK

    You can call the customer service through your handy phone dial 211 . They can do manually to activate your number or via text that will charge you 27.50 pesos.
    Okay let say your leaving on Monday just type GROAM ON 08/07/2006 180 send 2884... (note:its with spaces )
    180 is the maximum days to avail the roaming service. If your going back to PI you have to deactivate your number by typing GROAM OFF send 2884.
    Plus you have to maintain the daily balance 100..your family will be charge 1 peso only per text, but if your going to reply them they charge you 15 per text. for outgoing calls is 80per minute and incoming calls is 60 pesos per minute.

    I hope it helps
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  3. #3
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ecxy
    am just going to hongkong this week and am worry my network which is smart wont function there..or any suggestion what i cn do to use this still even im there in Hongkong to keep the communication here in Ph WITH MY i know my husband got two sim card one from here Philippines and when his there in Hongkonh he use the hongkong sim as network from here dont function in there..
    Dual band phones working in the Philippines will work in HongKong as most networks available there operates at same frequencies (900 and/or 1800Mhz) than in the Philippines.

    SMART works perfectly in HongKong BUT you need to activate the roaming mode 1h before leaving the Philippines.
    For this you need:
    1) to have still more than P100 in credit,
    2) text "ROAM ON" and send it to 333
    3) be careful that once roaming in ON, you can't text or call directly within the Philippines.

    Remember that each time you will send a text message from HongKong, it will cost you P20 (receiving text messages is free).

    When you will be back, you have first to deactivate the roaming to be able to use your phone:
    1) be sure you have a minimum credit of P100 on your Smart,
    2) text "ROAM OFF" to 333

    You will find full info on this here:

    Here is an extract:
    SMART Buddy International Text Roaming
    The only prepaid roaming service that lets you send and receive text messages from over 100 countries for only P20 per send.

    Now, even SMART BUDDY prepaid subscribers can roam! With your SMART BUDDY celfone, you can send and receive text messages in over 100 countries for only P20 per send (the LOWEST PRE-PAID ROAMING RATE). So whenever you travel for work or leisure, your friends back home will only be a text away. Thanks to SMART's amazing breakthrough technology and its partnerships with over 200 networks worldwide.

    Just text "ROAM ON" and send to 333. Roaming activation will occur within one (1) hour. (Important: Remember to activate pre-paid roaming before leaving the Philippines.)

    When your Buddy Roaming service is activated you will:

    be able to send and receive text messages in over 100 countries in the world, anytime for only P20 per send;
    enjoy zero-charging for receiving text messages while roaming; and
    disallow all outgoing and incoming calls (even while you're in the Philippines).

    To deactivate the roaming feature upon your return, simply key in "ROAM OFF" and send to 333. De-activation will occur within one (1) hour. (Remember to deactivate upon arrival in the Philippines to restore voice calls.)

    It's so easy to reload SMART Buddy while travelling abroad:

    Through SMART Money, you can reload with just a few clicks from your SMART Buddy celfone:
    a. Go to your SMART Menu and select SMART Buddy.
    b. Click on "RELOAD"
    c. If you're reloading for the first time, BANK CODE. Enter MONEY, then press OK.
    d. When prompted for ID, enter 1 then press OK (Click on MONEY and move on to the next step...)
    e. Select a preset amount, then press OK.
    f. Select MY BUDDY then press OK.
    g. Key in your W-PIN, then press OK.
    h. You will receive a test message confirming the amount successfully transferred.
    NOTE: You will be charged P15.00 per airtime reload via SMART Money.

    Through text, you can also reload SMART Buddy with a few simple commands:
    a. Lightly scratch off the protective ink on your Call and Text Card* to reveal the 14-digit PIN.
    b. Type in "RELOAD <14 digit PIN>" and send to 1510.
    c. You will receive a text message confirming that the reload attempt is successful.
    NOTE: You will be charged P17.50 per airtime reload via SMART Money.

    * CALL and TEXT cards via the INTERNET.
    In case you run out of Call and Text cards while roaming, you can always buy them on-line with your credit card. Just log-on to on the internet and follow the simple step-by-step instructions for online purchase.

    To check your PESO balance while roaming:
    Type in ?1515 and send to 214
    You will receive a text message stating your latest available balance.

    To check your FREE text balance:
    Type ?1516 and send to 214
    You will receive a text message stating your latest available balance.
    Best regards.

  4. #4
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by A_flyer
    Dual band phones working in the Philippines will work in HongKong as most networks available there operates at same frequencies (900 and/or 1800Mhz) than in the Philippines.
    In my case my dual band phone does not work in HK
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  5. #5
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotsfiancee
    In my case my dual band phone does not work in HK
    It's for another reason as networks are the same in HongKong and in the Philippines. As you can see below, technically a phone working in the Philippines will work in HongKong (and the reverse). A tri-band phone is of no use there. It's useful only if you travel to North or South america.

    HongKong: (all these networks are roaming partners of both Globe and Smart)
    China Mobile Peoples Telephone Co Ltd: GSM 1800
    Hong Kong CSL Limited (HK CSL): GSM 900/1800
    Hutchison Telecom (HK) Ltd (3): GSM 900/1800
    New World PCS (New World Mobility): GSM 1800
    SmarTone Mobile Communications Limited (SmarToneVodafone): GSM 900/1800
    SUNDAY Communications Ltd: GSM 1800

    Digital Telecommunications Phils, Inc (Digitel Mobile/Sun Cellular): GSM 1800
    Globe Telecom: GSM 900/1800
    Innove Communications, Inc. (Islacom): GSM 900
    Smart Communications Inc (SMART Gold): GSM 900/1800

    Are you sure that the roaming was already activated before your travel?
    Best regards.

  6. #6
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Yes of course i do that before departure. When i get HK it does not work though my phone is dual band MOTOROLA V3 Razor . So we switch to my fiance's phone which is Samsung D500 and it work's....In Uk he used dual band for his GLOBE simcard and yet it works and also in EUROPE but not in US.
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

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