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Thread: Home again...........

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    N. Wales, Wrexham
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    Angry Home again...........

    The Ryanair plane, with us on it, landed with a hell of a bounce at Liverpool Airport, and started kind of going sideways, before settling into some more hard bouncing and eventually straightening out.....
    Easily classified as pilot error....
    Yeah, someone must have given the guy a licence to fly planes he didn't deserve.....

    Anyway, after mixing two planeloads of bored Ryanair passengers and directing them to immigration at a snail pace, the powers that be, decided that we hadn't had enough yet, so they slowed proceedings a bit further....
    Eventually we got to the passport control....
    There, a very overpaid lady with little else to do but chew on something revolting, told me in no uncertain terms that Jet needed to fill a landing form..... Barely looking at her passport...
    I did respectfully say that she didn't, to which she replied that she did.... little less respectfully I did say that she didn't..... to which she said a little more forcibly that she did... By now, tired of waiting in line, and taken for a mug by someone that can't read instruction booklets, I had lost any respect for authority.
    I kind of pointed out that as Jet was a UK resident, spouse of an EEA citizen, she did NOT need to fill a landing card....
    She gave a through look at Jets Passport, and very disappointedly she waved us through......
    Not admitting to being wrong.... or apologizing.....

    Never mind, we are home...
    The holiday was great, and did Jet the world of good, in taking her mind off things.

    More on the trip some other time....

    Suffice to say that on Sunday 31st August, we were part of a group of less than 2000 people, allowed to watch the Pope in Castelgandolfo, the summer retreat, recite the "Angelus"..

  2. #2
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Welcome home to you both. I was recently reflecting that the problem with people theat are supposed to provide you a service but do not understand that and hold some sort of power over your affairs, is that they are rarely held accountable.

    If you ever compalin about them and tell a superior what they say or do, the superior might have the nerve to tell you that he or she is certain that they did not do that. I have had that before and when you press further they can disadvantage you in some way.

    I have just finished writing a long email to the CEO of KLM as I am bitterly disappointed with a number of recent events that have cost me. The major of which is an outstanding refund of almost 2 grand which i have been waiting for over 2 months in spite of many promises it will be in my back within days.

    I'm in Helsinki where it's 2am and I can't sleep as I have a rather inconvenient and painful boil to contend with.

    Welcome back again and I'm glad you both had a chance to rest after recent events.

    God bless you both!
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Paradise of Great Yarmouth
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    Yes Mod,Welcome back

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