Mayon lull could lead to explosive eruption, officials warn
By Teresa Cerojano
Associated Press
Last updated 12:25pm (Mla time) 08/09/2006
LEGAZPI -- Officials worried Wednesday that a reduction in gases coming from the restive Mayon Volcano could mean something has blocked the flow inside the crater, raising the chances of an explosive eruption.
Then again, it could mean that the volcano is just taking a brief break after a flurry of activity led scientists to raise the alert level Monday, warning that an eruption was imminent.
The number of people moved from 25 villages near Mayon, southeast of Manila in Albay province, to 20 evacuation centers rose to nearly 40,000, with more ready to go quickly in the event of a massive explosion, said Jukes Nunez of the Provincial Disaster Coordinating Center.
Many residents have refused to leave farming villages close to Mayon.