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Thread: Internet wireless access in Cebu?

  1. #1
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Question Internet wireless access in Cebu?

    Hi there.

    Not been around lately, as the home is a building site due to improvements lol

    Ok, got a question, and to also give advice calling the phils too

    When I go to Cebu in Jan, i'm gonna bring my honey a Laptop so we can VOIP to VOIP call each other using Skype, or whatever.
    Have been looking at various mediums to connect her to the net, and wireless GSM dongle looks like a possibility, as she has no wired connection present.

    In your opinions, which is the most cost effective method in connecting her to the net please?

    Thanks in advance for this.


    They offfer calls to the phils real cheap, and the connection is pretty reliable, as is a web based VOIP provider.
    Check it out, is more handy than calling cards, and u can user your landline or mobile, as you create a normal geographical number that routes to your hunnie

    7.6 ppm to a mobile is pretty good in my book

    C ya
    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Not sure about Cebu but in laguna the Wifes family use smart service with the massive aerial on the roof of the buliding but have had various issues over the year or so due to smart mucking them about.

    They skype and the like calls are fine.

    The dongles should be fine but check out where the nearest base stations are and also due to the rapid rowth of mobile comms in general make sure there are no other issues due to too many people using the particular base station.

    The dongle is a good idea as it can be moved round easily and passed on when she doe snot need it.

    I would have thought now most phones in general release in the UK have hspda as standard that Phills will catch up very soon. Just hope the networks provide the service to the level i woud think the phills will demand.

  3. #3
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Hmmm yes, all over the world GSM/UMTS networks are growing, i will search the net for more local providers.

    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

  4. #4
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    Both Smart and Globe offer a kind of Wimax system. You need to have in sight from your house a GSM tower and install an aerial looking directly to this tower with a special box in the house connected to the computer i think thru Ethernet RJ45. So it's not available everywhere, you have to inquire with them.

    I never tried, nor have any idea of the pricing. I just know it exist.
    Best regards.

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