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Thread: Hello Everyone, hope you can help me, I'm new here..

  1. #1
    Respected Member ANDRES25's Avatar
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    Hello Everyone, hope you can help me, I'm new here..

    My husband and I just got married last June 19, 2008. He went back to England on Aug. 4 , 2008 to go back to work. I am a homebased Online English teacher and my husband works in a bakery in Suffolk England. We haven't applied for a spouse visa yet because he doesn't have his own house there. He just lives with his dad. My husband just got divorced last year and he gave his house to his ex wife and son. My husband earns a decent amount of money in the bakery he works for. He's planning to save up first and then rent a house after 3 months. I am just wondering if we can start applying now for a spouse visa even if he doesn't have a house yet? Can we use his dad's address instead? I hope you can help me and give me some advice what's best to do?

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Can we use his dad's address instead?
    Yes, but you'll need to supply a letter from his dad saying it is OK.
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRS. O'farrell View Post
    My husband and I just got married last June 19, 2008. He went back to England on Aug. 4 , 2008 to go back to work. I am a homebased Online English teacher and my husband works in a bakery in Suffolk England. We haven't applied for a spouse visa yet because he doesn't have his own house there. He just lives with his dad. My husband just got divorced last year and he gave his house to his ex wife and son. My husband earns a decent amount of money in the bakery he works for. He's planning to save up first and then rent a house after 3 months. I am just wondering if we can start applying now for a spouse visa even if he doesn't have a house yet? Can we use his dad's address instead? I hope you can help me and give me some advice what's best to do?

    Hi Mrs O'farrell and welcome to the forum.
    If his dad will write a letter stating that you can live at his house together and providing there is enough room there for you. I don't know what the rules are about this, but I know you and your husband would have to have your own bedroom at least but there maybe more rules surrounding this issue that I don't know about. Being married you would be allowed to work as soon as you arrived in the UK, so it would then be easier for you both to save up for your own place.


  4. #4
    Respected Member ANDRES25's Avatar
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    Thanks for all your reply. Here's another thing. My husband took a time off from work for about a year. The bakery he's working for right now used to be his own bakery but he sold it when he got divorced. So does that mean that we have to wait for 6 months before we can apply for a spouse visa just so we can give the 6 months pay slips required ? We really don't know about the requirements before like keeping the receipts and phone cards and everything so we just threw them all away, but we do have a lot of pictures together and the photo album of our Wedding. do you think it will suffice?

  5. #5
    Respected Member allyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    Hi Mrs O'farrell and welcome to the forum.
    If his dad will write a letter stating that you can live at his house together and providing there is enough room there for you. I don't know what the rules are about this, but I know you and your husband would have to have your own bedroom at least but there maybe more rules surrounding this issue that I don't know about. Being married you would be allowed to work as soon as you arrived in the UK, so it would then be easier for you both to save up for your own place.


    in my case,,my hubby stayed in his parents place when he got back in UK from the philippines ...(he used to have a flat on his own but he sold it when he went to the Philippines)
    And for my visa application my inlaw send me a letter saying that im also goin to stay with them when i come to UK .
    My hubby got his own business before but he dont think doing it again can give enought paper proof that he can support me,,,so he applied and got employed in a good hotel and then he send me his contract saying about his position, payslip and bank statements......
    i compiled all the chat archives we have
    our pictures when we were in HK
    his ticket when he went to the pHilippines
    copy of his visa when he went to PI and HK,
    our pictures when we got married..
    our letters to each other when we are not yet married...
    and the other requirements....
    Its really a nerve breaking experience sending out all the incomplete requirements and waiting for the result of my application,,,
    but im so glad i was blessed and got my visa...

    2 weeks after i arriave here in UK i started working in desame Hotel my hubby working, and then after 3 months , me and my hubby got a wee savings and move out from my inlaw and rented our own place...

    anyway,,,good luck in your visa application....gather all the proper documents you need and read more info here in this forum to learn more...

    good luck,,,

    keep on smiling
    I know it seems hard sometimes, but remember one thing, through every dark night, there's a bright day after that. So no matter how hard it gets, keep your chest out, keep your head up and handle it...

  6. #6
    Respected Member menchkin's Avatar
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    Hello MRS. O'farrell!!! Welcome to the forum.

    Hope everything would go well on your visa application. Just make sure you provide all the required supporting documents.
    Jer. 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, plan to prosper you and not to harm you, plan to give you hope and a future"

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRS. O'farrell View Post
    My husband and I just got married last June 19, 2008. He went back to England on Aug. 4 , 2008 to go back to work. I am a homebased Online English teacher and my husband works in a bakery in Suffolk England. We haven't applied for a spouse visa yet because he doesn't have his own house there. He just lives with his dad. My husband just got divorced last year and he gave his house to his ex wife and son. My husband earns a decent amount of money in the bakery he works for. He's planning to save up first and then rent a house after 3 months. I am just wondering if we can start applying now for a spouse visa even if he doesn't have a house yet? Can we use his dad's address instead? I hope you can help me and give me some advice what's best to do?
    yes, your husband can use his dad's house... his dad has to make a letter addressed to the entry clearance officer that he is willing to accommodate you in his house..

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadows0816 View Post
    yes, your husband can use his dad's house... his dad has to make a letter addressed to the entry clearance officer that he is willing to accommodate you in his house..
    and also provide evidence that his dad owns the house. copy of deeds etc..

  9. #9
    Respected Member ANDRES25's Avatar
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    thanks everyone for the replies... After reading all some of the threads here, It's so sad to say that we're really not ready yet to apply for the spouse visa. We still need to wait 6 months for him to save up and then wait another 4-6 months again for the approval.. that's too loooong... so sad........... I really miss my husband so much!

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRS. O'farrell View Post
    thanks everyone for the replies... After reading all some of the threads here, It's so sad to say that we're really not ready yet to apply for the spouse visa. We still need to wait 6 months for him to save up and then wait another 4-6 months again for the approval.. that's too loooong... so sad........... I really miss my husband so much!

    if he has a job and payslips then that's half the problem dealt with on the finance side of the visa.

    i take it he has no savings in his bank? really could do with £2,000+ in the bank, thou some people have had £0 in the bank and still got a spouse visa, but you want to minimise your risks of refusal.

    couple of things he could do, both will take a bit of time, either start living off his credit card for the next few months and keep as much of his wages in his bank, so each bank statement shows a increasing balance, then when you've got your visa, use his bank balance to pay the credit card off.

    or get a loan for a few £1,000s or transfer cash from his credit card to his current account, and wait 6 months until he has 6 banks statements showing the balance, but he cannot use the statement showing the money going into his account, they will be suspicious if they see this. then when you have your visa, pay it off.

  11. #11
    Respected Member ANDRES25's Avatar
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    Thanks Joebloggs for the reply, you've been very helpful. My husband is not really worried about the savings, i think he's got more than 3,000 pounds savings in his account. He just really want to make sure that we won't be denied when we apply so we really have to wait. I got another question, while we're preparing for the all the required documents for the visa, is it a good idea that I change my name on my passport as Mrs. O'farrell? Hope to hear from all of you soon!

  12. #12
    Respected Member angel2008's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRS. O'farrell View Post
    Thanks Joebloggs for the reply, you've been very helpful. My husband is not really worried about the savings, i think he's got more than 3,000 pounds savings in his account. He just really want to make sure that we won't be denied when we apply so we really have to wait. I got another question, while we're preparing for the all the required documents for the visa, is it a good idea that I change my name on my passport as Mrs. O'farrell? Hope to hear from all of you soon!
    If you have enough time, the best is you ammend your passport, I heard that cheaper here than in UK.

  13. #13
    Respected Member ANDRES25's Avatar
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    Hi Angel, Thanks! I think I'll do that soon since I still have to wait for 6 months to a year before I can apply for a spouse visa.

  14. #14
    Respected Member angel2008's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRS. O'farrell View Post
    Hi Angel, Thanks! I think I'll do that soon since I still have to wait for 6 months to a year before I can apply for a spouse visa.

    You're welcome,, Dont forget to attend CFO seminar, thats a requirement
    for ammendment of passport. We can chat in YM if you want and I will give you some info...

  15. #15
    Respected Member yam's Avatar
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    hope everything will be fine with your visa application.Good luck

  16. #16
    Respected Member ANDRES25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by angel2008 View Post
    You're welcome,, Dont forget to attend CFO seminar, thats a requirement
    for ammendment of passport. We can chat in YM if you want and I will give you some info...
    Hi Angel,

    What's CFO seminar? I'd really be glad to chat with you.

  17. #17
    Respected Member menchkin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRS. O'farrell View Post
    Hi Angel,

    What's CFO seminar? I'd really be glad to chat with you. My yahoo id is

    You can check out this site to know more about CFO Seminar -
    Jer. 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, plan to prosper you and not to harm you, plan to give you hope and a future"

  18. #18
    Respected Member ANDRES25's Avatar
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    Thanks Mench!

  19. #19
    Respected Member Ana_may365's Avatar
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    well,all i can say is GOOD LUCK!to u MRS.O'farrel

  20. #20
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRS. O'farrell View Post
    My husband and I just got married last June 19, 2008. He went back to England on Aug. 4 , 2008 to go back to work. I am a homebased Online English teacher and my husband works in a bakery in Suffolk England. We haven't applied for a spouse visa yet because he doesn't have his own house there. He just lives with his dad. My husband just got divorced last year and he gave his house to his ex wife and son. My husband earns a decent amount of money in the bakery he works for. He's planning to save up first and then rent a house after 3 months. I am just wondering if we can start applying now for a spouse visa even if he doesn't have a house yet? Can we use his dad's address instead? I hope you can help me and give me some advice what's best to do?

    hi mrs o'farrell where in suffolk are you? im from suffolk too..
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

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    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    hi mrs o'farrell where in suffolk are you? im from suffolk too..
    ???? I've read this that it is only Mr O'F who is in Suffolk, Mrs O'F is in the Phils

  22. #22
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    ???? I've read this that it is only Mr O'F who is in Suffolk, Mrs O'F is in the Phils
    when she gets her spouse visa she too will be in suffolk
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

  23. #23
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    Hi Mrs.O Farrell,
    All you need to do is submit all the necessary requirements and other supporting letter from his dad that he can accommodate you and your hubby staying in his house when you get here in uk ofcourse fill up the application form properly and straight forward then im sure everything be ok.goodluck

  24. #24
    Respected Member jbt's Avatar
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    hello mrs.farrell,
    welcome to the forum and goodluck to your application soon.

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  25. #25
    Respected Member ANDRES25's Avatar
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    It's funny but I really don't know the exact address of my husband there ha ha... I just know it's Suffolk somewhere in Saxmundham... near Ipswich not really near but that's the place he goes whenever he wants to shop or something. I'll have to ask him and get back to you soon.

  26. #26
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRS. O'farrell View Post

    It's funny but I really don't know the exact address of my husband there ha ha... I just know it's Suffolk somewhere in Saxmundham... near Ipswich not really near but that's the place he goes whenever he wants to shop or something. I'll have to ask him and get back to you soon.
    i am from sunny ipswich
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

  27. #27
    Respected Member ANDRES25's Avatar
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    My husband is from Peasanhall. He is going to rent a house in claydan for us in October. Hope we can get together when I'm already there.

  28. #28
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRS. O'farrell View Post
    My husband is from Peasanhall. He is going to rent a house in claydan for us in October. Hope we can get together when I'm already there.
    yes sis we will, looking forward to sein you, how is the visa apps going?
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

  29. #29
    Respected Member ANDRES25's Avatar
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    Oh that's great!, regarding the application, we're still waiting to complete all the requirements, perhaps once my husband has already moved in and settled in his house that's the only timne we can start with the application.

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