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Thread: Thanks To All

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Thanks To All

    Hello everyone !

    I really want to thank everbody especially to the administrator of filipinouk for all the information that you have imparted. I learned and enjoyed reading your posts. I am so grateful that i found this site. You contributed alot to the success of my spouse visa.

    I got my spouse visa last Wednesday, August 2, 2006. It was really quick. I forwarded my docs via LBC from Cebu to UKVACS Manila last July 21.

    My hubby and I were very happy and surprise that i got it within 7working days without spending airfare to manila for the interview. We didn't expect because my hubby has no savings to show since he has been here four times already and spent money for travelling (bohol,boracay,hongkong,china) and lately on our wedding.

    I am very happy and excited to join and live together with my hubby in Birmingham. Hope my hubby and I could see if not all of you in person at least the moderator of this site to thank personally for the great help you guys did to us.

    More power to filipinouk!

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    150're making me fell all gooey inside
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Wow thats real quick you send loads of evidences Anyways good luck and best wishes for both of you!
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  4. #4
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win're making me fell all gooey inside
    Keiths got a fan club now, just goes to show what a good man Keith is ! and look at all the happiness his efforts have brought to people...

    Way to go Keith !!

  5. #5
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Another happy couple gets their visa

    am very happy and excited to join and live together with my hubby in Birmingham. Hope my hubby and I could see if not all of you in person at least the moderator of this site to thank personally for the great help you guys did to us.

    We are all happy for you, that you got your entry visa, well done, if you want to meet us, come to the Barrio Fiesta sa London 2007, then you can speak to the people behind this site, I'm sure some will be there, Gina and I will look forward to welcoming you.

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Just be careful in Birmingham.....if your hubbies white he may look out of place
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #7
    gingxrick's Avatar
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    nice one admin

  8. #8
    Member jeida's Avatar
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    Hello love,
    Wow thats great. Congrats girl. I know your husband is very excited.
    anyway, how did you do it? What documents did you put? Im hoping you can help me, i will apply for spouse visa and will submit my application maybe in two weeks time. Is it ok if my husbands bank statement is not the original one?
    Goodluck to your trip

  9. #9
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Are you really expecting us to believe you posted a serious question ? of course it has to be an original bank statement, and an up to date one at that, I have to be firm on the forum, and remind people, that all the information is available to you, if you can be bothered to search the archives for it, all documents have to be originals, I dont know why people keep posting the same questions, geeeeze.....roll on Christmas

  10. #10
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb
    all documents have to be originals, I dont know why people keep posting the same questions, geeeeze.....roll on Christmas
    Because its more good to ask Pete, you can hear any suggestions
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  11. #11
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeida
    Hello love,
    Wow thats great. Congrats girl. I know your husband is very excited.
    anyway, how did you do it? What documents did you put? Im hoping you can help me, i will apply for spouse visa and will submit my application maybe in two weeks time. Is it ok if my husbands bank statement is not the original one?
    Goodluck to your trip
    Hello Jed,


    If we were successful in our visa application, im sure you will, you just have to be optimistic and hard work really pays off.

    When my husband returned to uk after our wedding last june 5, 2006, i was the one who did the research work. I read the posts, listened to diffirent people encountering problems in their visa application and took moderators advises.

    I remembered i got the format of my hubby's letter of support from here - filipino uk, I edited and faxed it to my hubby.

    Latest bank statement, reference letter from uk employer and letter of support was at first faxed copy but when i decided to review the requirements in ukvacs,i told my hubby to mail it to me coz it clearly states that they need original documents so i waited two weeks for it.

    I submitted loads of evidences to ukvacs, proff of ID (for both),financial capacity, accomodation, letters, phone card fr uk, pictures and even the receipts when we were together (from his 1st-4th visits). All docs original except for his passport, just full copy.

    I compiled my docs in a clear book and labelled everything and it was neatly done. I placed them inside big, long brown envelop, sealed and signed it and placed them again in long, plastic envelop.

    By the way, from where are you? Are you bisaya? Anyways, good luck too!



    Anybody here cebuana?

  12. #12
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb

    We are all happy for you, that you got your entry visa, well done, if you want to meet us, come to the Barrio Fiesta sa London 2007, then you can speak to the people behind this site, I'm sure some will be there, Gina and I will look forward to welcoming you.
    Wow thanks. I will tell my husband to come to Bario Fiesta in London 2007 and look for you and Gina and everybody.

    I hope to meet plenty of filipina specially in birmingham and speak in venacular.

  13. #13
    Respected Member misscarie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by love
    Hello Jed,


    If we were successful in our visa application, im sure you will, you just have to be optimistic and hard work really pays off.

    When my husband returned to uk after our wedding last june 5, 2006, i was the one who did the research work. I read the posts, listened to diffirent people encountering problems in their visa application and took moderators advises.

    I remembered i got the format of my hubby's letter of support from here - filipino uk, I edited and faxed it to my hubby.

    Latest bank statement, reference letter from uk employer and letter of support was at first faxed copy but when i decided to review the requirements in ukvacs,i told my hubby to mail it to me coz it clearly states that they need original documents so i waited two weeks for it.

    I submitted loads of evidences to ukvacs, proff of ID (for both),financial capacity, accomodation, letters, phone card fr uk, pictures and even the receipts when we were together (from his 1st-4th visits). All docs original except for his passport, just full copy.

    I compiled my docs in a clear book and labelled everything and it was neatly done. I placed them inside big, long brown envelop, sealed and signed it and placed them again in long, plastic envelop.

    By the way, from where are you? Are you bisaya? Anyways, good luck too!



    Anybody here cebuana?
    hi im from manila far from cebu...ask scotsfiancee she can speak that language also bisaya

    wish you a goodluck and nice to hear that you successfully get it...

  14. #14
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Are you looking of me Love and Carie Yeah i went to cebu a month ago.....but love not even text me
    What about our language langga?
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  15. #15
    Respected Member misscarie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotsfiancee
    Are you looking of me Love and Carie Yeah i went to cebu a month ago.....but love not even text me
    What about our language langga?

    her feet alsways itchy wants to go there go here go everywhwre

  16. #16
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Cebu is like my second home carie, i have alot of relatives and friends..And everytime im there , we will go and swim in the beach...... but wont tell where...heheheh
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  17. #17
    Respected Member misscarie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotsfiancee
    Cebu is like my second home carie, i have alot of relatives and friends..And everytime im there , we will go and swim in the beach...... but wont tell where...heheheh

    i can say swim in the secret river

  18. #18
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    I'll take you to NILE river..lets see
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  19. #19
    Member jeida's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb

    Are you really expecting us to believe you posted a serious question ? of course it has to be an original bank statement, and an up to date one at that, I have to be firm on the forum, and remind people, that all the information is available to you, if you can be bothered to search the archives for it, all documents have to be originals, I dont know why people keep posting the same questions, geeeeze.....roll on Christmas
    Ok ok sorry if i asked same old question but didnt know that lots of people asked that already, thats why i asked coz i didnt know. If i just knew i wont be in this good site of yours. I remember what my prof. said that you should not be afraid to ask questions if theres something you didnt understand, maybe took that as a habbit. Annoying sometimes but better than sorry.
    Anyway, thanks for the info. needed that.
    God bless you always

  20. #20
    Member jeida's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by love
    Hello Jed,


    If we were successful in our visa application, im sure you will, you just have to be optimistic and hard work really pays off.

    When my husband returned to uk after our wedding last june 5, 2006, i was the one who did the research work. I read the posts, listened to diffirent people encountering problems in their visa application and took moderators advises.

    I remembered i got the format of my hubby's letter of support from here - filipino uk, I edited and faxed it to my hubby.

    Latest bank statement, reference letter from uk employer and letter of support was at first faxed copy but when i decided to review the requirements in ukvacs,i told my hubby to mail it to me coz it clearly states that they need original documents so i waited two weeks for it.

    I submitted loads of evidences to ukvacs, proff of ID (for both),financial capacity, accomodation, letters, phone card fr uk, pictures and even the receipts when we were together (from his 1st-4th visits). All docs original except for his passport, just full copy.

    I compiled my docs in a clear book and labelled everything and it was neatly done. I placed them inside big, long brown envelop, sealed and signed it and placed them again in long, plastic envelop.

    By the way, from where are you? Are you bisaya? Anyways, good luck too!



    Anybody here cebuana?
    Hi love,

    Thank you for the encouragement, it helps a lot will keep faith as it will makes all things possible and thanks a lot for the info.

    Im from iligan city and ive been to cebu in lapu-lapu. So yes i speak cebuano. Ikumusta nalang ko sa imo lalabs. Wow kabalo ko excited na kaayo ka, dli biya lalim nga mabulag sa bana mingaw jud kaayo as in. So when man ka larga? Sige ayoayo day.

  21. #21
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeida
    Hi love,
    Ikumusta nalang ko sa imo lalabs. Wow kabalo ko excited na kaayo ka, dli biya lalim nga mabulag sa bana mingaw jud kaayo as in. So when man ka larga? Sige ayoayo day.
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

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