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Thread: Atheist

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    I will reiterate, the church is emptying.
    You have figures to back up that claim? I'll agree Church attendances are down especially amongst the Christian faith, but are you referring to Christians only or the whole lot? If you are indeed lumping all Religions together, that to me stinks of ignorance. Post a link to some official figures.

    Funny how the Catholic Church in Aberystwyth is always packed on Saturdays and Sundays. Oh, by the way, I'm not Catholic (or any religion, I'm just trying to bring some balance to this thread, as its a bit one-sided) If some Mormon or JW hassles me, I certainly wont shout them down, but ask them to leave me alone in a civilised manner. Isn't that how us Brits are supposed to behave?

  2. #122
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    Not been on line for a couple of days but this really struck me

    Many of the worlds brightest positivist observers attest to God existing based on historical truths.
    Historical truth? Where is this published/held? Nobody has ever pointed me at it.

    Additionally, many millions of people around the globe have evidence by faith.....
    Faith is not evidence, it is simply accepting what you are told and not being prepared to question it. In my opinion the word gullibility should replace faith.

    As Voltaire said “If there were no God, it would have been necessary to invent him.”

    As Mikhail Bakunin said "A Boss in Heaven is the best excuse for a boss on earth, therefore If God did exist, he would have to be abolished."

  3. #123
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    rob, like most brits, i treated people, the way i would like to be treated, nice to all, even if i don't like them, manners cost nothing

    it's a bit one side because most who have replied are atheists, i asked a few questions but no one replied

    why a 6yr old is asked to go to confession, and what beliefs does peterb or others have, who said that, they would only marry someone who had similar ones ?

  4. #124
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    like most brits, i treated people, the way i would like to be treated, nice to all, even if i don't like them, manners cost nothing
    Couldn't agree more. There is too much selfishness about.

  5. #125
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scouse View Post
    Faith is not evidence, it is simply accepting what you are told and not being prepared to question it. In my opinion the word gullibility should replace faith......
    See how us scousers work together without knowing it....

    Rob, your local church is full as someone told them it was free wine
    Keith - Administrator

  6. #126
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    why a 6yr old is asked to go to confession?
    To get them in a box with a pervy priest as usual I guess.

  7. #127
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Please don't quote "Peace everyone" when you have inflexibility in your attitude to other people.
    You appear to be intolerant of other peoples' beliefs.
    This is such a lack of respect for others.
    This is one of the main reasons that the majority of people in the UK have turned away from religion.

    Peace: "freedom from conflict or disagreement among people or groups of people"

    In your first post you wrote:
    " I don't condemed people being Atheist"
    then you wrote:
    "I can't imagine myself living with someone who doesn't share the same belief as I am"

    Now, how do you equate those two comments?
    what's wrong with that statement? I can't see any problem with that? as a Christian who believes with the existence of GOD marrying or living with someone who doesn't share same belief as me won't work and by saying that I am not condeming any atheist. And a few people here trying to say that people who believe in imaginary thing consider as MAD ( do you think that's way of condeming people with faith in GOD?)

    Then you have a problem with me saying PEACE EVERYONE. In what way this words are offensive to people in UK and disrespectful?

    I am not in any way trying to convert you to christianity bec I respect you as atheist. Peace be with you!

  8. #128
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kukurokuk View Post
    You'll never know until you get there


    I will never get there

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    You have figures to back up that claim? I'll agree "Churches" are emptying, but are you referring to Christian only or the whole lot? If you are indeed lumping all Religions together, that to me stinks of ignorance. Post a link to some official figures.

    Funny how the Catholic Church in Aberystwyth is always packed on Saturdays and Sundays. Oh, by the way, I'm not Catholic (or any religion, I'm just trying to bring some balance to this thread, as its a bit one-sided) If some Mormon or JW hassles me, I certainly wont shout them down, but ask them to leave me alone in a civilised manner. Isn't that how us Brits are supposed to behave?
    Google attendances and you will find so many more.
    It is bound to be an unbalanced thread because churches are always doing things to attract their disappearing flock.
    You know this, we all know this.
    Now you say you know attendances are dwindling, yet you want proof
    If you say you know, why do you want proof?
    You didn't know that churches were christian?
    You are a little confused I think.
    If you enjoy religious people invading your space, then carry on.
    I don't shout them down, I just don't listen and close MY own door.

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    because churches are always doing things to attract their disappearing flock.
    Like what? Putting on strip shows?

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Like what? Putting on strip shows?
    I don't know, is that what they have to resort to in your town to get the punters in?

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheesewiz View Post
    what's wrong with that statement? I can't see any problem with that? as a Christian who believes with the existence of GOD marrying or living with someone who doesn't share same belief as me won't work and by saying that I am not condeming any atheist. And a few people here trying to say that people who believe in imaginary thing consider as MAD ( do you think that's way of condeming people with faith in GOD?)

    Then you have a problem with me saying PEACE EVERYONE. In what way this words are offensive to people in UK and disrespectful?

    I am not in any way trying to convert you to christianity bec I respect you as atheist. Peace be with you!
    You cannot convert me to christianity, because Christ did not exist.
    If he did, prove it.
    If God exists, prove it.

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Rob, your local church is full as someone told them it was free wine
    Free Wine AND Strippers in Aberystwyth?

  14. #134
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    You cannot convert me to christianity, because Christ did not exist.
    If he did, prove it.
    If God exists, prove it.
    you said many many many times christ doesn't exist so for me that's the end of conversation why should I waste my time proving something to you as they said you can't teach an old dog a new your life the way you want it and I'll do same too. Peace!

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    Ladies, Gentlemen, Good Friends and Python Fans,

    I have read this thread with great interest and some dismay.

    In England we say - when you are in a pub, never talk about Politics or Religion (Why have I capitalised those words?? I don't know - another Tanduay please.)

    For sure, talking about these two subjects will surely lead to arguments and bad feelings.

    Of course, this is a free forum and everybody is allowed their own opinion. However, I, for one, will stay away from this discussion because of the potential harm it could do to our GREAT family relationships here. I really hope that you all understand my point of view on this.

    I make this post in the hope that I shall not be admonished.

    May we all learn to accept and respect our differences.

    Also, may we all pray that Oldham win the Division One Championship this season.

    I agree to you Prof
    Don't make promises when you are in JOY. Don't reply when you are SAD.
    Don't take decisions when you are ANGRY. Think twice, Act wise. BE happy.

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheesewiz View Post
    you said many many many times christ doesn't exist so for me that's the end of conversation why should I waste my time proving something to you as they said you can't teach an old dog a new your life the way you want it and I'll do same too. Peace!
    Which brings us neatly to you as you were the originator of this thread:

    How can a Christian and Atheist live together happily?

    Most of my Brits colleagues are very open being Atheist. Well, as they said its not end of the world...yet let see
    Since I have known my wife, we have no problems with her being Christian and me being Atheist
    Love is the answer and love has nothing to do with religious or non-religious beliefs.
    We know to leave those things alone, we discussed this when we first met so there will be no misunderstandings later
    Yes, you are correct - you will have seen also that most Brits on this forum are Atheist.
    People in the UK just don't care about going to church as Filipinos do.

    I hope there will not be many threads about religion as people are mostly polarised.
    There are also many people in life (and on this forum) who sit on the fence.
    Some believe in issues and some don't, some lay low.
    When I was growing up as a teenager and as an adult, debate never started concerning the church, as nobody goes anymore.
    There is often debate in the UK about religion with reference to the Middle East for example.
    That is another story......

    Now, where is the skype phone, I miss my wife

  17. #137
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    ...and on that note, maybe we should lock this thread as its starting to tread water. At the end of the day, we all have different opinions on this subject, but its good that we managed to have a discussion without resorting to extreme language or personal insults.

  18. #138
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    ...but its good that we managed to have a discussion without resorting to extreme language or personal insults.
    I save that kind of things for the Mancs .........Remember last Saturday......The POOL WON
    Keith - Administrator

  19. #139
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    Remember last Saturday......The POOL WON
    It's about time we did

  20. #140
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    celebrate while you can scouser Keith, it will be another 20yrs b4 you beat united again

    as for

    How can a Christian and Atheist live together happily?

    Most of my Brits colleagues are very open being Atheist. Well, as they said its not end of the world...yet let se

    lets see, don't hold your breath, known the misses more than 8yrs, married near 6yrs, and not a problem yet

  21. #141
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Like what? Putting on strip shows?
    I need some walls striping can i ask the local Church to help me

  22. #142
    Respected Member PAT's Avatar
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    This is a never ending issue...every one has a reason so be it. Atheist or not doesn't matter, love conquers all.

  23. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by PAT View Post
    This is a never ending issue...every one has a reason so be it. Atheist or not doesn't matter, love conquers all.
    Well put.

    I think as long as people are cvill these issues need to be dicussed, sometimes friends tell one anohter things they dont like to hear and they agreee to disagree. But when different groups dont talk and dicuss views, beliefs and why they do things you get igorance.

    I was lucky as a young guy growing up i had friends from so many countries with various religous beliefs and view points. When younger i met very few people from different backrounds i lived back in the middle of white surbia. I really didn't know much about others cultures and beliefs.
    Like a lot of phills i meet are untill they leave phill.

    I used to ask as many questions as i could and with that i understood why people do certain things which seem odd to me. Many peole dont understand ramadan and how followers of islam follow it, now i think its only polite to understand enough if your a manager or workmate in partaking in ramadan. But belive it or not i have met people from various backgrounds who dont understand it at all. With there igorance they somehow manage to offended by continually offer them food saying a bit wont harm.
    Just like on here many would be offended if some one tempted them during lent. You dont need to read either the bible or koran or belive in them to understand why people wish to do these things. As long as it does not harm others, who cares?

    Many people who dont understand a group of people will either fear them, hate them or at least not know them as they are "different".

    Cheesewhiz many partnerships and couples wheter friends, work mates, or husband and wifes seem to thive on the differences just as much as what they hold in common.

    Many of the couples on here if you discount religion. Have very little on paper in common.

    Race, mother tongue, foods, intrests, outlook on life, education (although the wife and I are both well educated in our respective countries it has formed to very different people imo)

    If you swapped say religion for country grown up in then many on here would be going loopy and quite rightly.

    I have seen many examples where to very intelligent and loving and caring of all peoples want only to be married to those similar to themselves, which is just as the same as all people who look for people with certain looks and type of charcters etc. Fair do's
    But i also know a lot of mates who always loved certain charcters and looks of girls and married a very different type of lady in the end never say never
    But if you stoped say your children from marrying someone of a different group then i think that would be wrong. If everything about the potential in law was ok and they compliment your child then why not?

    Peace love and enjoy the sunshine But keep asking one another questions and politely debating things because they day we dont, we all will live a far worse world than the one we have at the present.

  24. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    ...and on that note, maybe we should lock this thread as its starting to tread water. At the end of the day, we all have different opinions on this subject, but its good that we managed to have a discussion without resorting to extreme language or personal insults.
    I second the motion..

  25. #145
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    You have figures to back up that claim? I'll agree Church attendances are down especially amongst the Christian faith, but are you referring to Christians only or the whole lot? If you are indeed lumping all Religions together, that to me stinks of ignorance. Post a link to some official figures.

    Funny how the Catholic Church in Aberystwyth is always packed on Saturdays and Sundays. Oh, by the way, I'm not Catholic (or any religion, I'm just trying to bring some balance to this thread, as its a bit one-sided) If some Mormon or JW hassles me, I certainly wont shout them down, but ask them to leave me alone in a civilised manner. Isn't that how us Brits are supposed to behave?
    Very valid points Rob.

    I believe that some problems stem from the fact that many observers cannot or are not prepared to, discern between Christianity, the various denominations thereof, faith, religion and also Islam, etc. Thus, most of the discussions that arise end up not being as productive as they might be, as the definitions they are based upon are somewhat corrupted. We should perhaps note that we are all individuals, whether atheist or faith driven. And, being good or bad is not mutually exclusive to being a believer or a non-believer. At the end of the days we all have a conscience. If it is a good one we will behave in such a way that we are driven to help and love others and leave a positive footprint as we pass by.

    This thread has been insightful in many ways and I value having participated in it.
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  26. #146
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    celebrate while you can scouser Keith, it will be another 20yrs b4 you beat united again

    as for

    How can a Christian and Atheist live together happily?

    Most of my Brits colleagues are very open being Atheist. Well, as they said its not end of the world...yet let se

    lets see, don't hold your breath, known the misses more than 8yrs, married near 6yrs, and not a problem yet
    I've not met your wife but based upon your posts you are clearly an intelligent, socially conscious, respectful, caring and supportive husband. It is no surprise to me that you have no problems.
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  27. #147
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    I've not met your wife but based upon your posts you are clearly an intelligent, socially conscious, respectful, caring and supportive husband. It is no surprise to me that you have no problems.
    me intelligent , the misses maybe thou

    we had our problems early on, got them out of the way, so what ever happens in the future could never be bad as the past.

  28. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    me intelligent
    Glad you agree you thick uselss go get your toothbrush to clean my bog ......I have to give Mancs some self esteem
    Keith - Administrator

  29. #149
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    smarter than any scouser thou

    Did you hear that they were going to hold The Apprentice in Liverpool until they realised that they wouldn't be able to find 12 people who wanted a job!

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