Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
You see, thats where people get confused, its people who kill people, not churches.

I've said this before, if you "believe", thats great, if you choose not to believe, fine, but I wish the non-believers would stop talking rubbish and just put up or shut up.
I disagree completely, and I am NOT confused.
People have killed each other in the name of religion all the time, and they still do.
I will not put up or shut up, because it is the people who believe in religion that knock on my door and try to convince me, and it is the church that sends these people out. Bah!
It is manic street preachers that feel they have a right to shout about religion and "God" at the tops of their voices in most towns.
Why don't they stay at home and "shut up".
Religion is dying fast in the UK, and that pleases me no end.
Most people do not believe any of that nonsense any more