Hi Piamed.
My thoughts were not connected to a metaphor.
I just think that people in the UK would not tolerate religious people spouting off and asking for money afterwards.
The whole point for me is respect for people and tolerance for peoples' beliefs or lack of beliefs.
I personally don't go around telling everybody I am an atheist, but I find it so obnoxious that religious bods feel they have to tell everybody about their beliefs. They actually SHOUT in the streets. What a bore and what a liberty, and if anyone asks them why they do this, they shout even louder
I also do not ask for money from people because I am an atheist.
I realise that people in the Philippines are "god-fearing" and if that is their belief then good luck to them, as long as they go about their business in a quiet dignified manner.
But you see, religion does strange things to people and they feel it their right to try to convert others.
As you know, the "RC" or "C of E" religions are fading away as every week goes by.
People just don't care about them anymore in the way they did in days of old.
I don't know why religious people feel they cannot live with non-believers.
That is bigotry and intolerance.
If we all observe our history we will notice that Europe was subjugated and spent hundreds of years by religious zealots who killed people because they did not want to believe.
That is one of the main reasons that people in Europe fled in their droves to the "New World".
I understand that people, like my father, strongly believes in the church.
That is fine by me, as long as it is not rammed down my throat.
I will continue to ignore the church as many millions now do here in the UK. However, if a poster here or anywhere asks how people can live together with differing beliefs, then the answer is clear for all to see. Don't rock my boat and I will not rock yours.
God does not exist and no amount of brow-beating, shouting or persuasive language will convince me otherwise.