Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
You will no doubt agree that evidence is comprised of items, observable or otherwise, that can be used to determine or demonstrate the truth of an assertion. How one comprehends evidence is determined by ones epistemological and ontological paradigms.
I don't have any paradigms, I have an open mind. It's insulting to suggest that evidence is interpreted by one's personal viewpoint. Are you suggesting that only the chosen ones can see the truth and the rest of us only see what we want to see?

Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
That your wife has now told you she is happier and better off in a godless world leaves me speechless although I'm happy she is happy.
I didn't say that she said that. She wants for nothing now and I know she is happy.

Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
I think that what causes most division and problems in the world is lack of respect and tolerance for human heterogeneity. That you have a different view of my belief is interesting to me and I love to understand how views such as yours were developed, just as I love to understand how others who share my faith developed their views.
My views are that I make up my own mind based on evidence and don't submit to enforced ideologies