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Thread: The next step ILR

  1. #31
    Member wynna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    yes rob, £335 !!! and i appiled just b4 my stepson was 18, so he went on my wifes app ( hahaha IND you just lost £335 , oh iam sure your'll find a way to get it back )

    as for driving, my wife assured me she can drive, and getting the car out of the garden she managed to get the front passenger door rammed against a wall
    , not once but twice, i was in

    after 30 plus driving lessons later ,and a few near misses while i was in the car with her, ( a few not her fault) , i expected her to pass, but she got 4 minor and 2 major faults, . not indicating going around a round about and going too slow !, well ive booked her in for another test. so dont come near manchester in 4 wks time..

    Im sure they've got ways to get that back from you, i'll be processing soon my ILR and just checked the new fees for this and it doubled the amount from previous fees, i cant believe it.

  2. #32
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Well done ELSA

    Now you can get rid of the farm boy
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Well done ELSA

    Now you can get rid of the farm boy
    Hey, its better than being a robbing scouse

  4. #34
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Hey, its better than being a robbing scouse
    Glad I'm an angel then
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #35
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    did you send a cover letter when you applied for ILR ? or just your evidence ?


  6. #36
    andypaul's Avatar
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    So the missus has got her test certificate saying she knows more about the uk than us brits by birth. Let battle comence with the set m application form. We have decidesd to have a day in croydon and give the goverment a grand as we think they are so wonderful as im sure your all agree.
    the wife got her visa issued on the 27th of september 05 and we got into the country october 15th. So we should be applying in september or august?

  7. #37
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you can apply upto 28 days before the 15th of oct 2007

    and good luck, iam waiting for the answer for my wifes and stepsons ILR should be any day now..

  8. #38
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Cheers joe cant wait to blow a grand in croydon.
    but hopefully it will cut out all the waiting business out had enough of that with the visa almost two years ago.
    Also not keen sending enough id and info to have us cloned to death though the post
    hopefully your applications will be sorted

  9. #39
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    well i've had to pay for 2 apps, £1500 , i don't want to give them an extra £400, so i've posted them.

    hahaha, oh ind never amaze me, they've amended the set (m) form, they have at last inserted a bank page in between the pay and application parts, i came across the problem, when i printed out the forms on a duplex printer, so it printed on both sides, and they up, and forgot to mention that, the payment and apps form will be seperated by them, only you couldnt if you printed on both sides, becuase both forms over lapped !!!. i realised this and ended up printing the forms on single sided paper..

    oh thats not the only thing Ind messed up, someone put confidential information on the web site, that was not meant for disclosure

    tut tut ind , get your act togther , or i'll want MY MONEY BACK, and this time spell my wifes and stepsons name right, or you should all have to do the 'living in the uk' test

  10. #40
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    Your right it is expensive and the amount you gotta pay for your wife and son makes a big differnce if you send postal. So i cant blame you doing it that way.

    good to know about how the form is devided and like you i would have printed duplex.

    something as simple as adding a blank page probably took months to achieve and yet anybody with a pdf editor could add a blank page in seconds to the file grr.

    better start printing out that form now and going though the huge object that is the missus visa evidence and info file that should keep me busy for the rest of the day

  11. #41
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Just going though the lovely form as i type this out. We should have more than enough of the paperwork required. Just reading the Evidence of finaces does it basically mean for the average person just show three months of Bank statments for the two of you?

    Also it mentions
    or other formal documents as evidence of your and your partner’s ability to maintain and accommodate yourselves and any dependants without
    recourse to public funds.

    I presume i just show the deeds to our flat to show we own it outright?

  12. #42
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    about the form, on the old SET forms there was a blank page, and it did actually tell you that the forms would be seperated, so that your information would not be seen by the company who process the payment side. but they missed all this out on the new updated form in april ... the one i downloaded in april was 16 pages, the new one is 17 pages

    so some people who printed it out in duplex, must have sent the forms, and when they got to ind they couldnt seperate them, as the payment details were on the front and the applicants details were on the back . pure genius of the people at ind

    bank statements i sent 6 months of mine and 6 months of my wifes, yes it does say 3 months, but i had them already there from applying for FLR.

    yes same as FLR or your spouse visa, certified copy of your deeds, i sent certified copy of the deeds and land registry doc, just to show the size of the house, as there are 5 of us here

    i should have mentioned, my parents were immigrants here 60 years ago, maybe i wouldnt have to pay or apply for a visa

  13. #43
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    about the form, on the old SET forms there was a blank page, and it did actually tell you that the forms would be seperated, so that your information would not be seen by the company who process the payment side. but they missed all this out on the new updated form in april ... the one i downloaded in april was 16 pages, the new one is 17 pages

    so some people who printed it out in duplex, must have sent the forms, and when they got to ind they couldnt seperate them, as the payment details were on the front and the applicants details were on the back . pure genius of the people at ind

    bank statements i sent 6 months of mine and 6 months of my wifes, yes it does say 3 months, but i had them already there from applying for FLR.

    yes same as FLR or your spouse visa, certified copy of your deeds, i sent certified copy of the deeds and land registry doc, just to show the size of the house, as there are 5 of us here

    i should have mentioned, my parents were immigrants here 60 years ago, maybe i wouldnt have to pay or apply for a visa

    I noticed a big note on the set(m) pdf about making sure you printed it with the blank page, when i downloaded it earlier. I guess it caused them just a few complaints.

    So it looks we will be taking a huge folder or two with us.

    Better start getting in shape to hold the file, as i hear you have to hang around for a "few hours" down lunar house

  14. #44
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    lunar or lunatic house

    oh only joking ind you do a fantastic job

    good luck thou

  15. #45
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    lunar or lunatic house

    oh only joking ind you do a fantastic job

    good luck thou

  16. #46
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Better start getting in shape to hold the file, as i hear you have to hang around for a "few hours" down lunar house
    You must be mad! I'm never going there again, worst day of my life when we went for the wifes LTR.
    6 hours queuing outside only to be told when we got to the front of the queue that they were too busy and we'd have to come back!! Anyway, we did get seen in the end.
    No, we've just sent the SET M off for her ILR and saved the money and the grief.

    It was surprisingly hard to find 20 items showing we'd been living together for the last two years. Yes, we had documents with my name and address on, some with hers and a few with joint names, but we certainly didn't have loads of documents covering the last two years, who does?
    Most of the bills are in my sole name as I'm the breadwinner and I pay all the bills. Didn't seem much point putting them in joint names.

    Anyway, guess I'd better save up another £600 or so for her citizenship next year.


  17. #47
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavanddal View Post
    You must be mad! I'm never going there again, worst day of my life when we went for the wifes LTR.
    6 hours queuing outside only to be told when we got to the front of the queue that they were too busy and we'd have to come back!! Anyway, we did get seen in the end.
    No, we've just sent the SET M off for her ILR and saved the money and the grief.

    It was surprisingly hard to find 20 items showing we'd been living together for the last two years. Yes, we had documents with my name and address on, some with hers and a few with joint names, but we certainly didn't have loads of documents covering the last two years, who does?
    Most of the bills are in my sole name as I'm the breadwinner and I pay all the bills. Didn't seem much point putting them in joint names.

    Anyway, guess I'd better save up another £600 or so for her citizenship next year.


    Well i think we are mad too, but i think i would be mader to send off both passports, birh certs, all our house hold bills, our deeds, bank details for us both and work payslips and p60's off with the royal mail in one envelope.

    bit of catch 22 do you take the chance of being cloned to death or hang around all day and spend even more money

    I presume you booked for the day in advance (i thnk they only brought in the system recently from reading others experience the internet) and just out of intrest did you get there early we live fairly local so if it helped us could turn up real early to try and get near the front of the queue.

    I put most of the bills in our joint name but some like bt will only have one name or the other not both .

    The insurance company just added my wifes name over the phone and didn't affect the premiuns at all. Electricty board just asked to speak with my wife over the phone before adding her. The water bill i just sent an email and they added her. Took 10 mintues probably and hopefully worth it.

    Thanks for the heads up gavin im sure i will be wishing i listen to you when stuck standing outside in the rain

  18. #48
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    naturalisation has nearly a 6 month processing time

  19. #49
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    I presume you booked for the day in advance (i thnk they only brought in the system recently from reading others experience the internet) and just out of intrest did you get there early we live fairly local so if it helped us could turn up real early to try and get near the front of the queue.

    No we didn't have an appointment on that occassion. We did get there as early as possible and the queue didn't seem that long in front of us.
    However, it still took a riduculous amount of time to get actually inside the building. I forgot to mention, after the 6 hours outside, there was another 4 hours inside, just to get a sticker!
    Watch out for the dodgy eastern european/ Iraqi, whatever types trying to jump the queue and pretending not to understand English whenever they are challenged. I nearly hit the MFers when they tried to get in front of me after I'd been patiently queueing for about 5 hours!! I just barged my way back in front of them again!
    No I'm putting my trust in Royal Mail recorded delivery this time. Yes it will be an inconvenience being without my passport for however long it'll take.

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