well i've had to pay for 2 apps, £1500 , i don't want to give them an extra £400, so i've posted them.

hahaha, oh ind never amaze me, they've amended the set (m) form, they have at last inserted a bank page in between the pay and application parts, i came across the problem, when i printed out the forms on a duplex printer, so it printed on both sides, and they up, and forgot to mention that, the payment and apps form will be seperated by them, only you couldnt if you printed on both sides, becuase both forms over lapped !!!. i realised this and ended up printing the forms on single sided paper..

oh thats not the only thing Ind messed up, someone put confidential information on the web site, that was not meant for disclosure

tut tut ind , get your act togther , or i'll want MY MONEY BACK, and this time spell my wifes and stepsons name right, or you should all have to do the 'living in the uk' test