You must be mad! I'm never going there again, worst day of my life when we went for the wifes LTR.
6 hours queuing outside only to be told when we got to the front of the queue that they were too busy and we'd have to come back!! Anyway, we did get seen in the end.
No, we've just sent the SET M off for her ILR and saved the money and the grief.
It was surprisingly hard to find 20 items showing we'd been living together for the last two years. Yes, we had documents with my name and address on, some with hers and a few with joint names, but we certainly didn't have loads of documents covering the last two years, who does?
Most of the bills are in my sole name as I'm the breadwinner and I pay all the bills. Didn't seem much point putting them in joint names.
Anyway, guess I'd better save up another £600 or so for her citizenship next year.