Hi to all, I tried to search the post about my question but could'nt find. Arrived in the Uk last Friday. What I do next? Do I need to report to local police station for my entry? At the airport border control, immig officer asked me to go to the health office for health check up, Lady in the health office asked if I have Xray. I did'nt have so she said that i need to have check at the local health center where i will live. We did'nt understand well what she was saying because of worrying on our time left on our connection flight. (Anyway we still missed the flight) because of the que on the health office, que on the immigration and que on the security check. Please give me advise what to do next. If I have to go to local police station to report my entry and do I really need to go to the local health center to have my xray check.

Advance thanks to the advice.. God bless us