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Thread: Were "You" at the Barrio Fiesta 13/14 September

  1. #1
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Were "You" at the Barrio Fiesta 13/14 September

    Sign this thread if you were at the Barrio Fiesta over weekend of 13/14 September

    I would just like to say, what a great day it was yesterday at the Barrio Fiesta at Lampton Park, Hounslow Middelsex.

    Personally I was unaware that the Fiesta had been re-booked from July to this month, however my good freinds Mr and Mrs DarrenB did tell us about it, and prompt arrangements were made to attend.

    Yesterday had to be a great day for it, as the weather in Hounslow was absolutely beautiful, just right, temperatures of around 19 to 21 degrees, and a slight breeze, just perfect english weather, what a great combination.

    English weather mixed with a Filipino fiesta.

    It really was great to see so many sitting down enjoying their own taste of local foods, my wife was happy to sit down with our freinds and eat Lechon Paksiw, many had brought their own by the looks of things, and their deck chairs, parasols, blankets, and footballs, tennis, badminton, you name it, they had it.

    Although there appeared to be less people than in previous years, it did start to hot up between 1pm and 3pm, where the crowds swelled somewhat, but I think the event had not been advertised as well as in the past, but then again, that is only to be expected, since the usual venue is in July, when the weather is expected to be even hotter.

    But I must re-iterate, they could not have picked a better day on Sunday, and I think the event was a roaring success, so well done the Philippine Centre, everyone seemed to be having a great time.

    Special mention for me goes to a Certain Catherine, who kindly picked me out of the crowd, that was very nice to meet you and your english gentleman

    It is the 4th time that I have been approached at the Barrio Fiesta in previous years, I was tapped on the shoulder by others, who seemed to recognize my picture from the gallery in this forum, and the website I host, its nice to meet other like minded ones, and I am sure it won't be the last time this happens.

    I was also approached in Bob's restaraunt in Bacolod City in 2006, when someone else, tapped me on the shoulder and said, "Are you Pete" from the forum, just goes to show, this is a small world indeed.

    So it you were there, sign this thread and tell us how you found it.

  2. #2
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    hello Pete, i was at the festival yesterdy too, it was such a llovely day, we were sat in front of the police van eating halo halo and lots of yummy food. i am from bacolod too, and we often eat at bobs or the 21st...
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginapeterb View Post
    Sign this thread if you were at the Barrio Fiesta over weekend of 13/14 September

    There are a couple more of us who went - see this thread

  4. #4
    Respected Member alicat's Avatar
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    [B]Special mention for me goes to a Certain Catherine, who kindly picked me out of the crowd, that was very nice to meet you and your english gentleman[/QUOTE]

    thats me,nice to meet you too...
    i really enjoy it yesterday,its my first barrio
    fiesta ever...and this is the beginning ill be there
    every year.

  5. #5
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Hello Catherine, (Alicat) it was great to meet you too, glad you enjoyed your day out, pick me out next year if you are there, always hoping we meet on the same day, did you have Halo Halo ? I did not, but i did manage an ice cream.

    Best wishes

    Gin Gin and Pete

  6. #6
    Respected Member alicat's Avatar
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    oh!my gosh..yah,i did manage an halo-halo,im just so excited
    i cant stop eating...i have balut,mango(manggang kinalabaw)
    sticky rice cake(sapin sapin)etc...too many to mention...
    i still have some in the fridge...hope to see u and gina again
    next year.

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