Oh dear..I wonder whats wrong with her for treating you like that? Was she like that before? ...now you are living together you will discover lots of things, good and bad unfortunately.

Give her time to adjust 1-2 months maybe, she might be just homesick, bored and of course no friends to talk or take her out somewhere. She might be doing that 'tampo' but it doesnt really work with some men, like my husband i used to make 'tampo' and it will last for days that i dont talk to him. Then i realized that he hasn't got a clue that im in a 'tampo mode' the lesson...communication! If something bothers both of you, talk about it before it gets really serious.

With house chores, I suggest you both do your share. Talk to her that you can not do everything, specially if you are working. Its hard at first and I hope you both will sort it out.