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Thread: Let's hope......

  1. #1
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    Let's hope......

    I just hope that this will work out in favour of the Gurkhas, after all they deserve some recognition from the lame gov and immigration laws.

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Just had a rant about that on my racing forum

    Licking cabinet and a PM that makes a retarded cabbage look votable
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    I just hope that this will work out in favour of the Gurkhas, after all they deserve some recognition from the lame gov and immigration laws.
    Here, here!
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  4. #4
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    Today, I feel a little better about the subject.

    Pity that it had to go to Court.

    I suppose, now, some bean-counter will object and start some kind of appeal...

    Let's hope not.
    The Gurkhas have gone through enough in the service of an ungrateful nation...

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    The Gurkhas have gone through enough in the service of an ungrateful nation...
    not the nation, its the gov's fault.

    If they have done 5yrs service, working for and being paid by the gov, then they should be treated the same as those on a work permit, you do 5yrs in the uk and you can apply for ILR. it shouldn't matter that they have worked outside the uk, the fact is your employer is the gov, should be enough to get you ILR

  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    not the nation, its the gov's fault.

    If they have done 5yrs service, working for and being paid by the gov, then they should be treated the same as those on a work permit, you do 5yrs in the uk and you can apply for ILR. it shouldn't matter that they have worked outside the uk, the fact is your employer is the gov, should be enough to get you ILR
    Personally if you put your life on the line for the country for one tour of duty you deserve to be British if you so choose.

    Had a a visit to a Army barracks the other week. was speaking to some squadies whilst there. Some were scouse thankfully i watched Bread as a kid and could just about work out what these Gentleman were saying

    But out of ear shot of nco's and the like they echoed what i saw as i walked around this barracks they are treated like and makes me
    The working faclities and living accomdation is just not on. They then in the outside world have to put up with idiots venting there spleen and even physical assault about decisions made by MP's in their Ivory towers.

    We were talking where they like to drink etc. Basically its decided for both security reasons (fair enough) but also due to the grief they may get from the staff and general public for being members of the armed forces.

    I thought the article i saw in the paper about the squadie turned away from a Hotel was a one off no its fairly common

    I know several mates in the Services Full time and TA and they all say the same

    But i know what you mean Mr bloogs

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