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Thread: Visa application questions

  1. #1
    Respected Member Sangoma's Avatar
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    Visa application questions

    in section 6.4

    6.4.2 When did you first meet your sponsor?

    Does this mean ikn person, or online

    6.4.3 Where did you first meet?

    Again,in person or online?

    6.4.4 When did your relationship begin

    Does that mean when you started corresponding,or when you first though seriously about being together?

    and 6.4.5 How often do you meet?

    What do you put, cant say as often as possible, but the question implies you meet on a regular basis

    Of couse the guidance notes are as useful as a chocolate tea pot, just saying supply the information requested

  2. #2
    Respected Member trina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sangoma View Post
    in section 6.4

    6.4.2 When did you first meet your sponsor?

    Does this mean ikn person, or online

    6.4.3 Where did you first meet?

    Again,in person or online?

    6.4.4 When did your relationship begin

    Does that mean when you started corresponding,or when you first though seriously about being together?

    and 6.4.5 How often do you meet?

    What do you put, cant say as often as possible, but the question implies you meet on a regular basis

    Of couse the guidance notes are as useful as a chocolate tea pot, just saying supply the information requested
    On the question Where and should be personal meetings...
    In how can state how many times you went to the philippines or meetings abroad...
    Matt & Trina Leach

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes physically , not virtually

  4. #4
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sangoma View Post
    in section 6.4

    6.4.2 When did you first meet your sponsor?

    Does this mean ikn person, or online

    6.4.3 Where did you first meet?

    Again,in person or online?

    6.4.4 When did your relationship begin

    Does that mean when you started corresponding,or when you first though seriously about being together?

    and 6.4.5 How often do you meet?

    What do you put, cant say as often as possible, but the question implies you meet on a regular basis

    Of couse the guidance notes are as useful as a chocolate tea pot, just saying supply the information requested
    6.4.2 When did you first meet your sponsor? The answer to this one is when you first met in person.

    6.4.3 Where did you first meet? The answer to this one is "Online" if that is where you did first meet.

    6.4.4 When did your relationship begin. Again the answer is when you first met online.

    6.4.5 How often do you meet? I don't know the answer to this one as it didn't appear on the visa form when my wife applied. The best thing to do is to email them at and ask them what sort of answer they would expect in the current circumstances of both your wife and yourself. I expect that something like "Very Infrequently" or "Very Infrequently at Present" would suffice, so you could also ask them if either of these answers would be acceptable.

    The first three answers I gave you are correct, because this is what they told me when I emailed them for clarification of these questions back in 2006.


  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    6.4.2 When did you first meet your sponsor? The answer to this one is when you first met in person.

    6.4.3 Where did you first meet? The answer to this one is "Online" if that is where you did first meet.
    to me Iain that doesn't make sense.

    it asking you when you meet your sponsor and then where, to me 'online' is not a place

    makes sense to ask, when did you first physically meet them (as for fiancée/spouse visa you needed to have met at least once),

    so then it makes sense to ask where did you meet

    eg airport in manila in the philippines

  6. #6
    Respected Member trina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    to me Iain that doesn't make sense.

    it asking you when you meet your sponsor and then where, to me 'online' is not a place

    makes sense to ask, when did you first physically meet them (as for fiancée/spouse visa you needed to have met at least once),

    so then it makes sense to ask where did you meet

    eg airport in manila in the philippines
    Matt & Trina Leach

  7. #7
    Respected Member menchkin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sangoma View Post
    in section 6.4

    6.4.2 When did you first meet your sponsor?

    Does this mean ikn person, or online

    6.4.3 Where did you first meet?

    Again,in person or online?

    6.4.4 When did your relationship begin

    Does that mean when you started corresponding,or when you first though seriously about being together?

    and 6.4.5 How often do you meet?

    What do you put, cant say as often as possible, but the question implies you meet on a regular basis

    Of couse the guidance notes are as useful as a chocolate tea pot, just saying supply the information requested
    Below is how I understood the questions and how i filled up my application form.

    6.4.2 When did you first meet your sponsor?

    ==> If you met online then indicate the date as to when it happened. and aside from the online meeting, it would be better to also indicated when you first met your sponsor in person (proof of this would be e-ticket, immigration date of arrival stamp in passport, and some photos of you together,etc.)

    6.4.3 Where did you first meet?

    ==> still related to question 6.4.2.
    if online, then indicated the website. and aside from that also put in there the place where you actually met in person

    6.4.4 When did your relationship begin

    ==> the answer i placed here was the date when me and my husband first met

    6.4.5 How often do you meet?

    ==> i wrote here 3 weeks every year since we met since my husband comes here in p.i. every year to visit me.
    Jer. 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, plan to prosper you and not to harm you, plan to give you hope and a future"

  8. #8
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    to me Iain that doesn't make sense.

    it asking you when you meet your sponsor and then where, to me 'online' is not a place

    makes sense to ask, when did you first physically meet them (as for fiancée/spouse visa you needed to have met at least once),

    so then it makes sense to ask where did you meet

    eg airport in manila in the philippines
    Hi Joe,
    Sorry, I meant to say, "On the Internet" not online. Anyway here are the answers I got from them at the time copied directly from the reply email.

    Thank you for your email of 5 July.
    Question 2.18 - A.S.A.P. is acceptable
    Question 5.2 - is when you first meet your sponsor in person
    Question 5.4 - is when you became girlfriend/boyfriend Question 5.5 - if you became girlfriend/boyfriend in the internet, just answer "internet"

    Question 2.18 - was when do intend to travel to the UK.

    I know the two answers are sort of contradictory, but that's what they told me at the time.


  9. #9
    Respected Member aug06_2006's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sangoma View Post
    in section 6.4

    6.4.2 When did you first meet your sponsor?

    Does this mean ikn person, or online

    6.4.3 Where did you first meet?

    Again,in person or online?

    6.4.4 When did your relationship begin

    Does that mean when you started corresponding,or when you first though seriously about being together?

    and 6.4.5 How often do you meet?

    What do you put, cant say as often as possible, but the question implies you meet on a regular basis

    Of couse the guidance notes are as useful as a chocolate tea pot, just saying supply the information requested
    when? i answered the date of our first met in person.
    where? i answered name of place where we met.
    when did ur relationship begin? I answered the date of our first met online.
    where did ur relationship begin? I answered the name of website where we met.

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    these questions have caused problems for a long time


    2. Parties to the Marriage have Met

    Generally it is impossible to get married to a person whom a person has never met but there are certain circumstances where persons never see their spouse and yet they are married to them. The British Diplomatic posts do NOT take these circumstances as an exception to the general rule and is quite keen to see evidences in place regarding the meeting of the parties to the marriage. The possible evidences of this factor are

    * Marriage certificate itself some times mentions the presence of the two parties to marriage.
    * Marriage Pictures.

    In addition to the above, the entry clearance officers do ask questions relating to this issue, to make sure that the applicant has really met the spouse. Most frequent questions are: the place or time / day of first meeting, where the marriage ceremony took place, close family members of the sponsor and the like.

    that's why i think it should be physically when you met, but i don't think they would reject your app just because you put virtually thru the inet, as they can work it out from your evidence (marriage cert, pics etc, as long as you have physically met you should be ok

    i think i put both dates down, so long ago i don't remember

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