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Thread: N B I Certifcate, applying from outside Philippines

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  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    N B I Certifcate, applying from outside Philippines

    My wife needs to renew her NBI (Cert of No Conviction). We live in Spain.

    I see from the internet it is possible for a nominated person in the Philippines to renew the NBI for a person living abroad, but if a change of name is involved, fingerprints and a new application are required.

    Does any one have experience of being able to obtain an NBI with a name change, i.e. by marriage (the name has been changed by Filipino Consulate in the passport) without sending fingerprints?

    ALSO, can anyone tell me the size of the photo required. It says 2 x 2 but two what? If 2 inches that seems very large say compared with a passport photo.

  2. #2
    Respected Member singkit's Avatar
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    Hi, Johncar54, this are the informations I gather from the NBI site:

    Since your wife is living abroad, and there would changes in your wife's NAME, she can visit the nearest Philippines Consulate Office in Spain and asked for a Fingerprint Card Form to write all personal data.

    Request the assistance/endorsement of the nearest Philippines Consulate Office for the police agency in your locality to have your fingerprints impressed (ROLLED IMPRESSION) on the appropriate spaces. The officer/person who fingerprinted her should sign his name, state his official designation on the space provided for the purpose in the card.

    The size of the photo is 2" x 2" (that's inches) on a white background, taken within 3 months. If you still have more queries, you may send a message to them via email at

    I know some members here would give their advice to you if they experience the same or know this bits for that matter. Good luck and God bless..
    A winning horse doesn't know why it runs in a race.
    It runs because of the hits of pain.
    Life is a race. God is your rider.
    So if you're in pain,
    then think God wants you to win

  3. #3
    Respected Member
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    Singkit, Thanks for your posting.

    I spoke this morning to NBI in Phil they said as the renewal will entail a name change, maiden name to married name, they will require a new application and fingerprints.

    Re the photo size. They said passport size is OK. I will post again when I know if was accepted.

  4. #4
    Respected Member
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    Further to above.

    We sent the application form, with fingerprints, to a friend in Manila. She has obtained an NBI and birth cetificate for my wife.

    Unfortunately the friend is taking a long time to get the two documents legalised/authenicated.

    We were told by the Phil Embassy in Madrid, that it could be done at DFA, although friends in Manila are doubtful. Does anyone have any experience on this?

    Does anyone know if legalisation/authentication can be done at a Filipino consulate (in another country, e.g. Malaga, Spain)?

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