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Thread: step children

  1. #1
    Respected Member Ana_may365's Avatar
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    step children

    hiya!just asking to my co pilipina if they have a problem about thier step children?as of now i experience it from them.they have no respect for me[even to thier dad]if they want something from thier dad[spclly momey]they want that give it to them straight away.when my hubby had an operations,every time we visit him[hubby]all they want to know if my hubby did his last will and testament.i cant understand it?thier dad is still alive but all they concern about is money.

  2. #2
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ana_may365 View Post
    hiya!just asking to my co pilipina if they have a problem about thier step children?as of now i experience it from them.they have no respect for me[even to thier dad]if they want something from thier dad[spclly momey]they want that give it to them straight away.when my hubby had an operations,every time we visit him[hubby]all they want to know if my hubby did his last will and testament.i cant understand it?thier dad is still alive but all they concern about is money.
    thats rediculous ana why they asking about their last will and how old your hubby now? remember your the wife and you have the rights don't let them to let you down
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  3. #3
    Respected Member Ana_may365's Avatar
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    actually vbkelly my hubby's children is 11 all together.and i dont know about what happened to the others.and i only meet this 2.his daughter age 20 and his son aged 22.his daughter is mal educated,swearing to his dad,if my hubby didnt give her some money.his son is the same,wants to borrow some money but didnt pay his dad back,shouting to his dad and swearing hubby is 60 y/o.i think that is the way or the attitude of the english young people.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ana_may365 View Post
    all they want to know if my hubby did his last will and testament.i cant understand it?thier dad is still alive but all they concern about is money.
    thats awful but I know they are really are different from other culture specially us filipino`s.I thought you`re just talking about how they address you by calling your name.I was quite surprise when I first met my hubby in PI his son-in-law texted him in my surprise I thought he called him (my hubby) dad but he called him by his first name and it thought that was a bit awkward coz in PI we call our parents in law mum and dad and as well we respect our elders by calling them ate,kuya,tito,tita,auncle,auntie,manong,manang even if they are not related to us.At first I feel a bit awkward addressing my hubby`s friend by their first name as they are a lot older than me and as well i find it difficult before that when they`re eating they not seems to bother other people as if they want to eat as well.but it seems we are all different but now I think am getting used to it.
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  5. #5
    Respected Member ANDRES25's Avatar
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    Oh my! that's terrible... I hope I won't experience the same when I'm already with my husband. My husband has a 13 yr. old son but doesn't live with him. I guess you just have to be firm and let them know that they can't just treat u like that. your situation is so difficult because how can you expect them to respect you if they can't even respect their own dad? I hope everything goes well with you and your hubby...

  6. #6
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    noh i truly disagree as what uve come to believe that it might because they are foreign or english people as u may call. My husband do have some children from his previous relationship both young and adults, but i find them so cool and respectful, i loved them as i treated them as my own, they respect in a way that i deserves as such, they respect their dad much more as well and knows how to live by their own without asking for anything. yes now i may say that i am so proud of them........the best part is one of his sons age 17 whose living with him right now was the one who prepared something for my hubby, hes the one who cook and clean up the house, he has a lot of good qualities that truly amazed me on how they treated each other very well as a father and son...

    well with regards to yours....maybe they got influence by some people they used to get involved with....or might be how other relatives or families raised them as they...

  7. #7
    Respected Member Ana_may365's Avatar
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    ur right mrs.daddy they called the other people her by the name not like ours[ate,kuya,tito,tita,manang,manong]they called me also by my name 'ANA' or thier dad sometimes by 'DILLA' espclly if thier dad didnt give them what they wants.thats why i told to my hubby sometimes give them a lessons by not to give them what they want,espclly money.

  8. #8
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marylen View Post
    noh i truly disagree as what uve come to believe that it might because they are foreign or english people as u may call. My husband do have some children from his previous relationship both young and adults, but i find them so cool and respectful, i loved them as i treated them as my own, they respect in a way that i deserves as such, they respect their dad much more as well and knows how to live by their own without asking for anything. yes now i may say that i am so proud of them........the best part is one of his sons age 17 whose living with him right now was the one who prepared something for my hubby, hes the one who cook and clean up the house, he has a lot of good qualities that truly amazed me on how they treated each other very well as a father and son...

    well with regards to yours....maybe they got influence by some people they used to get involved with....or might be how other relatives or families raised them as they...
    its depend how they brought up by their parents
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  9. #9
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ana_may365 View Post
    hiya!just asking to my co pilipina if they have a problem about thier step children?as of now i experience it from them.they have no respect for me[even to thier dad]if they want something from thier dad[spclly momey]they want that give it to them straight away.when my hubby had an operations,every time we visit him[hubby]all they want to know if my hubby did his last will and testament.i cant understand it?thier dad is still alive but all they concern about is money.

    Sad to hear that ANA_MAY...
    I hope you can stand on their attitudes towards you... GOD BLESS YOU

  10. #10
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Ana, I think you need to understand the relationship they have with their dad. Maybe he has not laid rules down hard on them. If he gives up and gives them money, probably to keep them quiet and not shouting.He needs to show authority and be a father.Show them he is the man of the house and it is his money.They want money. Why do they not go and EARN IT? As for asking if he has will when he is hospital, that sounds disgusting. I think they are angry at him for something. Do you know why they seem like that?Talk to them frank.

    I also have issues.My fiance sister has 12 y/o little madam. She likes to stay out. She does not come back for 3-7 days.Her sister has a little boy of 5 to take care of so she has enough on her plate.Her tolerance for this is too much.She must be punished and not allowed to stay out.Her father is working away at Manila,so he cannot punish her.I think she is a bit soft on her.But i guess she has given up hope on her listening. What do you think?

  11. #11
    Respected Member Ana_may365's Avatar
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    hiya!gary2jessica,actually my hubby leave thier mom when when they are 9 & 7 y/ hubby go with somebody else.and when i talk to thier mom[my hubby and her are not married just live in] one time,she told me that she give to them what they want.thats why they become spoiled/ they didnt ask about where is thier dad at?and she admit it to me that she's become soft to them until now.she give it also what they want as long as she have.she is 70 y/o.thats why im thinking now that they are big they want to get what they didnt get when they are still young.

  12. #12
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    So she feel guilty that they have no dad. Hard for their mom to say no.So they used emotional blackmail. Common thing.

    Their parents are old now and the kids seem to blame them for the breakup of the past.If they are adults now, they do not need to ask for anything material.

    You say one is educated?But not educated in manners and respect.People find out your personality is spoilt in the workplace, if they will not do the work they are asked to do because they don't feel like it. Sheesh. I say take all the stuff in their houses away that their dad bought.I am sure they would have nothing.

  13. #13
    Respected Member Ana_may365's Avatar
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    they have own job,they have own house,but still they still pesteing thier dad.sometimes we have an arguments about them.but at the end im the one who is wrong or to blame for telling my hubby not to give them any coz of thier attitudes.

  14. #14
    Respected Member Geraldine's Avatar
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    If they are that horrible, why dont you be the evil wicked stepmother! Teach them a lesson! Dont let them abuse you or your husband.

  15. #15
    Respected Member alicat's Avatar
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    i agree

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