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Thread: My Frustrations

  1. #1
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Cool My Frustrations

    Most of us has frustrations an achievements in life since we was born here on EARTH. Me I have few achievements, why FEW because I'm not that Old yet LOL. And of course I have my own frustrations...

    First are my FRUSTRATIONS:

    • I'm frustrated DANCE CLUB MEMBER wahahahah – when I was in my elementary and high school days I really want to join in a DANCE CLUB but I don't have the guts coz I feel so shy... I'm not that good but I guess If I will practice I guess I will master hehehe. I envy those people who is really good in dancing.

    • I'm Frustrated not being a GIRL SCOUT wahahaha – I never attended girl's scout camp in elementary and high school because I'm into games and sports. My circle of friends are member of those... They are more girly than me, every time the will go to camp they are excited hehehe...

    *** When I'm studying in University – my college life is not that too exciting hehehe coz I need to study hard and act good coz my mom is university professor. So all eyes are on me and I don't like to give discredits to both of my parents.

    *** My frustrations are I never joined any extra curricular activity, never join to any SCHOOL CLUBS and also frats coz my dad is very strict.. Right after school I need to go home. But my life there is not boring but not that too exciting too. I tried to run to a college student government but I never won hahahaha... Only in class officers.

    *** I didn't regret on what degree I have now but I don't like it though. This is not my first choice... I want to study MASCOM or in the field of Journalism but my parents disagree on that esp. my mom. She likes me to study education but I hate it I don't like to be a teacher esp in high school and elementary. So we met half way hahaha.. I said if you like me to study EDUCATION I rather study AGRICULTURE because both my parents are DEGREE of those fields.. SO in short I follow their steps.. I got BACHELOR in SCIENCE OF AGRICULTURE, Major in PLANT BREEDING AND GENETICS and Minor in PLANT PATHOLOGY... I graduated on time with no FAILING GRADES but I never dream to get a high honor like CUMLAUDE. Most of my BARKADAS and best friends in university are all CUMLAUDE'S in same field. But I didn't get envy with them. I can't force my self to study and to love it coz in the first place I don't like it. People said to me I have very tough degree (geneticist, breeder and pathologist) but I'm not that happy coz it's not my first choice. But good thing I used my degree right after graduation. I work in Government office as a RESEACH ASSISTANT in Department of Agriculture for almost a year.

    *** I'm frustrated pianist, frustrated swimmer, frustrated singer, & frustrated model awww. And FRUSTRATED NURSE. I didn't finish my second course in NURSING I have those frustrations but one thing I'm not INSECURE...

  2. #2
    Respected Member missmiles's Avatar
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    all of us has frustrations... me Im frustrated to be a DJ, VJ, Flyt attendant and TV COMMERCIAL MODEL

  3. #3
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by missmiles View Post
    all of us has frustrations... me Im frustrated to be a DJ, VJ, Flyt attendant and TV COMMERCIAL MODEL

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