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Thread: Attitude Problem

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amyburple Attitude Problem 24th September 2008, 13:30
missmiles I'm not perfect either... But... 24th September 2008, 14:27
Ann07 same here:xxgrinning--00xx3: 24th September 2008, 20:31
missmiles Hello Amyburple I like... 24th September 2008, 14:28
GaryFifer I know that well. My dads an... 24th September 2008, 14:33
missmiles Sam here my DAD is like... 24th September 2008, 14:43
missmiles I guess we have the SAME... 24th September 2008, 14:44
amyburple My father is very strict... 24th September 2008, 19:22
missmiles In short sis MALANDI hehehehe 24th September 2008, 19:46
amyburple yes malandi...... 25th September 2008, 17:47
Jay&Zobel Some people are: OBNOXIOUS... 25th September 2008, 20:15
amyburple I really agree with you... 26th September 2008, 04:39
Jay&Zobel That's the word! Thanks Amy! 27th September 2008, 10:34
amyburple Yea... That's why I'm not... 27th September 2008, 12:28
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  1. #1
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Some people are:
    Feeling mayaman hindi naman!

    Anyway, I have read a blog somewhere but don't know from where exactly, she stated that she hated going back to the Philippines because all their neighbours were so pakialamera (nosy), ingitero't ingetera (envious) and the list could go on...

    The thing is, why do you have such a high expectation about them? They are Filipinos! Ofcourse they are like that.

    These are for Filipinas who are working/ living in abroad or Balikbayans or married to other nationalities:
    Just because you are now different,
    Just because you are now a lot better than your old neighbours,
    Just because you earn loads,
    Just because you are now successful,
    Just because you have been to a greener pasture,
    Just because you have nice things,
    Just because you are wearing signature clothes, etc

    Does not mean you need to be MEAN, to be arrogant, MAPAGMALIIT SA KAPWA,

    Just stay humble
    Be happy that some people admire you (even the ingeteros)
    Be thankful of what you have
    Pray for them so they could be happy of what they have too!

    Don't forget you were once like them (wink)

  2. #2
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    Some people are:
    Feeling mayaman hindi naman!

    Anyway, I have read a blog somewhere but don't know from where exactly, she stated that she hated going back to the Philippines because all their neighbours were so pakialamera (nosy), ingitero't ingetera (envious) and the list could go on...

    The thing is, why do you have such a high expectation about them? They are Filipinos! Ofcourse they are like that.

    These are for Filipinas who are working/ living in abroad or Balikbayans or married to other nationalities:
    Just because you are now different,
    Just because you are now a lot better than your old neighbours,
    Just because you earn loads,
    Just because you are now successful,
    Just because you have been to a greener pasture,
    Just because you have nice things,
    Just because you are wearing signature clothes, etc

    Does not mean you need to be MEAN, to be arrogant, MAPAGMALIIT SA KAPWA,

    Just stay humble
    Be happy that some people admire you (even the ingeteros)
    Be thankful of what you have
    Pray for them so they could be happy of what they have too!

    Don't forget you were once like them (wink)

    I really agree with you sis....

    I second the motion with you because sometimes I can hear some negatives words from my aunts and cousins that is base now abroad... They are not that arrogant or mapagmaliit but there's something with them that really change.... I guess they are too PROUD or something I just don't know maybe that's only my observation with them...

  3. #3
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amyburple View Post
    I really agree with you sis....

    I second the motion with you because sometimes I can hear some negatives words from my aunts and cousins that is base now abroad... They are not that arrogant or mapagmaliit but there's something with them that really change.... I guess they are too PROUD or something I just don't know maybe that's only my observation with them...

    That's the word! Thanks Amy!

  4. #4
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Yea... That's why I'm not that CLOSE to them at all... I have distance with them coz I don't like that attitude...

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