Well so it begins, I am in Hong Kong having arrived at 5pm local time last night on BA 31 from LH and I must say it was a great flight, I bagged a good seat on line 24 hours before departure and although I didnt get much sleep I felt more refreshed than on any of my previous flights to Asia on Middle East carriers.

For any dispicable smokers among us my E Cigarette was wonderful and led to NO conversations at any airports or on flight.

It was exciting to arrive on the tail end of a typhoon but it had effectively ended, the approach to the Island was fun and goes on my list of OMG wheres the land approaches

I am staying in the Novotel Citygate which is about ten mins from the airport free shuttle from desk A16 in the arrivals hall bit pricey at 1600 HKD but excellent quality and as I am flying to Manila at 11am on Thurs I didnt want the hassle of going further although I may well explore a bit more on my return.

Its 4am and I dont seem to be able to sleep more now so I am whiling away the time till breakfast arrives and getting full value from the internet that cost an extra £10 for 24 hours phew!!

I have booked a recommended taxi from Cebu to collect my G/F before coming to the airport and if all goes well he will have brought the Roses with him in the boot so I can suprise her .

So whats still on my list ...hmm to wear all my clothes or have an exciting discussion with Cebu Pacific over excess baggage....buy some peso ...iron my boxers.....nah just noticed there is still a beer in the fridge i must be slipping stay tuned for the next instalment but dont hold your breath!!