Well 5 days has passed and Ive seen a fair few houses made a couple of offers but nothing definitive yet am trying to remain patient and hope that we have put enough energy in for one to be presented soon so I can start really living here and get out of the Hotel
Its been more tricky due to geographical constraints (daily commute to Cebu City) and trying to decide on furnished or unfurnished to start.
The cheapest was 8000 peso a month 2 small bedrooms (one aircon) living room laundry room drive up the mountain a bit ideally i would like 3 bed and a small garden for the bbq and dog an oven fridge and bed would also be a good start.
Had a good Pizza at Yellow Cab yesterday and i like humba and the ribs here and the local ground coffee at 70peso is not bad at all.
Having a night to myself while my Honey catches up on her family so Im off to see whats good for my dinner
I have a great phrase book an example
I have a rat under my bed
Naa,y ilaga sa ilalom sa atong katre!
Just wait. when i catch it , ill cook it!
Pagpaabot lang. Kon madakpan ko, akong lutoon!
So armed I will sully forth