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[B]hey guys!!!
ok, so I'm really confused with this... i have a boyfriend, he's chinese and grew up and was educated mostly in singapore; we have been together for over 6 months now and everything is "almost" perfect...
there is this one thing that bothers me, although i try not to show it. I do not intend to be "big-headed", but I had a quite good education (boarding schools in US and portugal) and so has my boyfriend (2 degrees in Singapore: Economics and Business Management). And when I met him I really loved that we could talk about things like politics and economy and football... (ok, yeah i was educated to be a boy haha) but as times goes by he has demonstrated to want me to talk about more superficial matters such as louis vuitton bags... and haircuts... and shopping!!! I question myself if im not girly enough for him.... well, I never wear trainers, wear make-up everyday, all my notebooks from Uni are pink and own more dresses than jeans... so how can i be any more girly!! We have tried talking about it (we praise communication above all things in our relationship) and he has admitted that although he likes to talk to me about politics, his stereotype of perfect wife and mother of his children would be someone who doesnt read the newspaper and does not know too much so will be fully dedicated to the home and kids.... (!!!) He also said that it scares him that Im so ambitious... (Im on my first year of international Politics with Criminology, and as you can imagine I have subjects like Economy, Law and Politics itself) I have to admit that i cant wait to graduate and start my career and although I know for a fact that will be most certainly a work-aholic, I would also LOVE to be a mother in a few years time and wouldnt mind giving up a career for a family! but then, he is also a work-aholic!! He thinks about work 24hs a day and that doesnt bother me!
It is natural that studying Economics and Law, I cant wait to debate with him about current issues, specially because he knows so much and can teach me a lot! i never presume i know everything, actually, the more I learn, the more i realize i know so little...
Well, Im 20 years old, and is 36 (i know...) and as he being more mature, i love the fact i learn so much from him every single day.... but it hurts me that I can no longer express so freely... I have to confess that in the last 2 weeks i pretended to be... well, who he wants me to be... have pretended to not know about a lot of stuff...
There are no more little arguments about this, but its driving me crazy! I spend most of my free time with him, and I really want to be myself with him.... Is it worth it?
Please help!
A. xxx