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Thread: Tracing someone!

  1. #1
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    Tracing someone!

    Hi to all,

    It's been a while since I've posted on here. I fell in love with a filipino guy before Christmas, he has now returned home to the Phils. He said he'd contact me in 3-4wks when he has settled in back home with family etc.
    He explained to me he has problems back at home i.e separated from ex wife and baby, money problems, debts to pay to his father etc.

    It has been 2mths since I have seen and spoken to him. I am worried if everything is okay. I am desperate to know and driving myself insane. Friends and family say I should just forget about him and move on and the chances are I won't hear from him, but I beg to differ- as we spent a lot of quality time together and I believe what we had was really special. I am going by my gut instinct here and I truly believe that I will hear from him again, it's just the circumstances that stand in the way.

    All the details I have of him is that he is from San Carlos City, Pangasinan and obviously his name. Is there anyway of me tracing him? Or should I just sit back and wait for him to contact me?!!

    Thanks for your rplies in advance. Sorry this msg is a little bitty!

  2. #2
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    I presume you have email yahoo messenger and cell phone and have
    them do you have a proper address and or full name and d.o.b.?

  3. #3
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    I have sent him numerous emails!..i have his password as i set him up the account!..and have checked and he has not read any of my msgs. Yahoo messenger we have never used. His cell phone just goes into a dead ringtone. I have his first name and d.o.b and bank acc details!! thats all i have!

  4. #4
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Thats rather thin the only chance is through his bank if its active unless you could find a friend of his still in the uk who knows were parents are but i guess you would have already thought of this.

    I know an american who may be able to help but its his profession and im not sure if he travells that far he is around Visayas but if you would like to talk to him let me know and i will put you in touch

  5. #5
    Respected Member cruisingkerry's Avatar
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    Hi natalie

    Just been reading through your previous posts, is this the same guy as before?

    I had a similar experience to yours, I used to work on cruise ships, met a filipino guy who adored me (at the time), he too was separated with a child. Said he'd keep in touch with me but didn't. I changed my next ship so i could be with him but that never happened. he did eventually email me to tell me that he had got back with his wife for the ssake fo the child. he's now working in Canada. Sends an email or instant message now and again.

    Now I've met Bert and I'm sure if you read through my posts you'll know about our current challenges, but communication is v important to both of us and although he hates emails, doesn't have a computer and hates the email cafes we talk probably every other day on the phone if not more frequently, depending on my work commitments.

    Anyway, just wanted to say that, I know what you're going through and sometimes its not destined to work out and sometimes it is. Sometimes just a case of living and learning.

    Hope all goes well for you
    K xx

  6. #6
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    I presume you have email yahoo messenger and cell phone and have
    them do you have a proper address and or full name and d.o.b.?
    I think you have to check your computer, you have a virus or other malware / stupidware modifiyng your posts while you type them, unless you change colors in some words by yourself of course. But this do not ease the reading.
    Best regards.

  7. #7
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    Thanks for all your replies.

    Cruisingkerry..I was actually thinking of getting in touch with you! I'm sorry to hear of your situation that your currently in, must be really stressful for yourself and Bert.

    It is the same guy as before yes! Interesting to hear that you have experienced something similiar. Do you have yahoo messenger/ msn?.. I'd like to share more with you if you have the time.

    I truly believe I shall hear from him in time, but perhaps as what happened with you he will rekindle the relationship with his wife again for the sake of the child. I feel gutted and heart-broken. But life goes on!!..onwards and upwards as they say.

  8. #8
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    Not meant to hurt you,but most probably the issue are the wife as what kerry said,not being mean but most of Filipino guys are and sometimes they just making relationship out of the country to ease their boring and if they go back to PI,so everything went into nothing,however if u only know the address (i wonder if he give it to you) its easy to find him,but San carlos is big,its like u are looking a needle in a grass

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by linonat View Post
    Hi to all,

    It's been a while since I've posted on here. I fell in love with a filipino guy before Christmas, he has now returned home to the Phils. He said he'd contact me in 3-4wks when he has settled in back home with family etc.
    He explained to me he has problems back at home i.e separated from ex wife and baby, money problems, debts to pay to his father etc.

    It has been 2mths since I have seen and spoken to him. I am worried if everything is okay. I am desperate to know and driving myself insane. Friends and family say I should just forget about him and move on and the chances are I won't hear from him, but I beg to differ- as we spent a lot of quality time together and I believe what we had was really special. I am going by my gut instinct here and I truly believe that I will hear from him again, it's just the circumstances that stand in the way.

    All the details I have of him is that he is from San Carlos City, Pangasinan and obviously his name. Is there anyway of me tracing him? Or should I just sit back and wait for him to contact me?!!

    Thanks for your rplies in advance. Sorry this msg is a little bitty!

    He is only single when out of the country but if you really want to know his whereabout, I will try to help you thru some websites. PM me and will try.

  10. #10
    Respected Member cruisingkerry's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=jedc143;82626]Not meant to hurt you,but most probably the issue are the wife as what kerry said,not being mean but most of Filipino guys are

    Except my Bert....

    Saying that though he does havr his moments .... as do all men

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by cruisingkerry View Post

    Saying that though he does havr his moments .... as do all men
    So............. Women are angels..........

  12. #12
    Respected Member cruisingkerry's Avatar
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  13. #13
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    So............. Women are angels..........

    Beg pardon

  14. #14
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    So............. Women are angels..........


  15. #15
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by linonat View Post
    Hi to all,

    It's been a while since I've posted on here. I fell in love with a filipino guy before Christmas, he has now returned home to the Phils. He said he'd contact me in 3-4wks when he has settled in back home with family etc.
    He explained to me he has problems back at home i.e separated from ex wife and baby, money problems, debts to pay to his father etc.

    It has been 2mths since I have seen and spoken to him. I am worried if everything is okay. I am desperate to know and driving myself insane. Friends and family say I should just forget about him and move on and the chances are I won't hear from him, but I beg to differ- as we spent a lot of quality time together and I believe what we had was really special. I am going by my gut instinct here and I truly believe that I will hear from him again, it's just the circumstances that stand in the way.

    All the details I have of him is that he is from San Carlos City, Pangasinan and obviously his name. Is there anyway of me tracing him? Or should I just sit back and wait for him to contact me?!!

    Thanks for your rplies in advance. Sorry this msg is a little bitty!
    hi linonat sorry to hear your sad experience to your filipino bf anyway do you believed him all things he said to you bcoz as a filipina we knows the tactic of filipino guys they do everything to get what they want to a woman,he might still married to his wife and thats why he don't bother to contact you again and all communication to him are cut off bcoz of his wife. don't wait to him move on its not the end of the world.

  16. #16
    Respected Member Geraldine's Avatar
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    In my opinion, if his love is genuine he will get in touch with you no matter what. For 2 months, no email nor phone call. No excuses.

  17. #17
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    Thanks all for the replies.

    Hmmm...maybe i'm too naive, I need to face up to that!!!

    I really fell for this guy tho, but I fear he will get back with his wife (if he already isn't!) for the sake of the child ( and who's to say that he wasn't still together with his wife when we met, like you said vbkelly, perhaps he just said he was separated- so he could lead the double life whilst he was out of Phils and to relieve his boredom?). It saddens me to think this, as I felt we had something really special. We even talked about getting an annulment from his wife and a visa for him to come to the UK.
    I'd also like to say he made a number of sacrafices for me, to the point he lost his job because of me and our foolishless of wanting to be together.
    Whilst he was working on the ship he was calling me from the ports every other day. Occasionally emailing, but he does not like this medium.

    I shan't go on, I do have a lot I could say. It's been over 2mths and you'd have thought it would have got easier...but I have to confess it just hasn't. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of him and hope and pray that he'll contact me. I just hope that he is safe and okay? I am worried too.

    Thanks all for your support!!

  18. #18
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    Still heard nothing...and i'm still pining!! I wonder when it will start to get easier?...

  19. #19
    Respected Member cruisingkerry's Avatar
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    It'll start to get easier when you realise you're worth more than waiting around for someone who clearly has moved on himself....

    As they say, plenty more fish in (or on ) the sea....

    take care
    k xx

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by linonat View Post
    Still heard nothing...and i'm still pining!! I wonder when it will start to get easier?...
    Awww,come on ! just moved on as what kerry said,it was annoying to think of you having hard time keep thinking of him while he is having good time w/ his family

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