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Hi to all,
It's been a while since I've posted on here. I fell in love with a filipino guy before Christmas, he has now returned home to the Phils. He said he'd contact me in 3-4wks when he has settled in back home with family etc.
He explained to me he has problems back at home i.e separated from ex wife and baby, money problems, debts to pay to his father etc.
It has been 2mths since I have seen and spoken to him. I am worried if everything is okay. I am desperate to know and driving myself insane. Friends and family say I should just forget about him and move on and the chances are I won't hear from him, but I beg to differ- as we spent a lot of quality time together and I believe what we had was really special. I am going by my gut instinct here and I truly believe that I will hear from him again, it's just the circumstances that stand in the way.
All the details I have of him is that he is from San Carlos City, Pangasinan and obviously his name. Is there anyway of me tracing him? Or should I just sit back and wait for him to contact me?!!
Thanks for your rplies in advance. Sorry this msg is a little bitty!