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  1. #1
    Respected Member Geraldine's Avatar
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    To all the Mums: birth experience

    Hi all!

    Can you share your birth experience here in UK? How did you husbands handle it? How did you adjust to your new baby?

    My first birth was easy, it was natural birth - no pain reliever except gas and air which i shared with my husband had a few laughs until I started contracting. After 4hrs of painful labour, we welcomed our son who was around 5lbs. My husband was alright, he stood beside me holding my hand. Both our first baby so I havent got a clue how to look after him, thanks to the midwives and health visitors who helped me. Plus I did alot of reading about babies.

    Our 2nd baby was traumatic for me, I was induced and after a few hours of painful contractions they said baby is not low enough to be pushed out. Without any pain reliever again (my choice btw) I was forced not to push, imagine the pain! I told the midwives that I can not bear anymore, I want the doctor to cut me open. I passed out and next thing I knew I was being wheeled to the theatre. They said baby is indistress already. I was crying and screaming to the staff to do something bec of the painful contractions and have a bad cramp on my right leg as well. After that horrible experience, I woke up back in our room and my husband said everythings over. He said, staff were surprised bec baby was over wonder I can not push it out! From the scans baby was estimated 8lbs only. I was abit upset on how the staff handled it but Im glad its over. I can not believe how huge my baby was, he looked like a 2mon old baby. The baby clothes I got didnt fit him so my husband got a 1-2month old size lol. The nurses in the ward were all saying how small I am to have a big baby. Bless him.

    But its not going to put me off for another baby, hope to be a girl this time.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Ana_may365's Avatar
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    But its not going to put me off for another baby, hope to be a girl this time.
    what do u mean by this geraldine?r u expecting again?

  3. #3
    Respected Member Geraldine's Avatar
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    Thanks Fhars! My sons are age 3yrs old and 7months. Its a chaos taking care of 2 little boys but its challenging and of course rewarding when you get loads of kisses and cuddles from them.

    Dont worry when you are both ready, everything will be easy. Things will be different once you become parents and will make your relationship stronger. I got fears as well in raising up a child here in UK. But I guess its up to the parents to teach their children good values.

    Good you asked about smacking, I do smack my 3yr old son when he is very naughty, after a few verbal warnings. But not very hard, just to impose my authority. They need discipline. But I dont do it in public bec you know how some people are, they stare at you like you are a very bad parent.

    Hi Ana, Im not pregnant but will be in 2yrs time

  4. #4
    Respected Member jbt's Avatar
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    hi geraldine,

    Congratulations!!! me and my husband's been trying for a baby for a long time now (although,i already have a 15 yr.old daughter from my ex-partner), i still wish we can have a baby.

    Thank you for sharing your experience w/us and goodluck with the kids, you need to take lots of vitamins sis, you need all your energy running after the little angels.

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  5. #5
    Newbie (Restricted Access) firelady's Avatar
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    hmm mommy hood congratulations to you mommies out there

    i will never be a mommy - by choice. for a hundred and one reasons,

    for the women out there who take this course in life - good luck

  6. #6
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Hi Geraldine enjoyed reading your labour experience.

    My baby was 9 days overdue. When I was scheduled to be induced but 6 days before the date i was given a sweep when the consultant asked me with no hesitation i said yes. Monday afternoon i was given the sweep 12 hours after its in the middle of the night i feel something coming out while i was sleeping gush its my water broke I phone my husband at work. He went straight back at home panicking gave me stress. In the morning I phone the hospital asked me to go straight to the hospital, my husband getting worse

    Arrived in the hospital tuesday lunch time checked by the midwives. My contractions still bearable They put me in the labour ward while my husband, who is my brith partner is giving me everything while he was panicking The day after still no baby I am feed up now asked the midwife to give me something to speed up my labour but they refused coz im still ok

    Thursday 3am i was bloody shouting in the labour ward press the emergency button. I was in the floor making different positions to ease the pain when the midwife saw me i dont care get me out of here They checked me i was 4 cm dilated and put me in the labour room. They phone my husband.

    They give me something to relax and get some rest when i get up its 5am I need a pee when the midwife check the babys heartbeat it was not ok they get me ready for emergency cs everybody in the room was panicking but the babys heartbeat went back to normal so stop My husband arrived i was bloody sreaming already in the room dont care The only pain relief i want is gas and air really like actually addicted on it

    At 5.02pm after 35 minutes of pushing and 16 hours of screaming my baby arrived weighing 9.1lbs in normal delivery. I am petite my baby is big I was so tired, exhausted so happy seeing my healthy baby..My poor husband was so tired of me too We are both so happy its all worth it.

    wahhhhhhh so long enjoy reading..
    The midwives did an excellent job during my labour.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Geraldine's Avatar
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    Hi jbt, at least no more nappy changing and night feeds for you thats what they say..enjoy while they are still young! Hope you get pregnant, well keep on trying...its never too late

    Hi firelady, i got a couple of friends as well who are single and doesnt want any children. But what if you meet the right man for you, will you re-consider?

    Hi Ann, thanks for sharing as well. Wow you got a big baby too!! Im surprised you were able to push him out For your next baby, try CS...its easier and quicker I wished I've never chosen natural birth the pain of giving birth is horrible!

  8. #8
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geraldine View Post
    Hi jbt, at least no more nappy changing and night feeds for you thats what they say..enjoy while they are still young! Hope you get pregnant, well keep on trying...its never too late

    Hi firelady, i got a couple of friends as well who are single and doesnt want any children. But what if you meet the right man for you, will you re-consider?

    Hi Ann, thanks for sharing as well. Wow you got a big baby too!! Im surprised you were able to push him out For your next baby, try CS...its easier and quicker I wished I've never chosen natural birth the pain of giving birth is horrible!
    I know he is huge Its painful but its all worthy esp seeing ur health baby
    I will take note of that geraldine next time we plan for another baby And i will keep you posted

  9. #9
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    oh that makes me feel nerveous, not sure what what best to choose with...either CS or natural birth....both i guess has its own differences yet so on my 21weeks pregnant right now, got a big bump as u can see on the

  10. #10
    Respected Member Geraldine's Avatar
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    Hi Marylen,

    Dont worry you will be fine, I suggest you try natural birth 1st its painful but heals quicker than CS and experiencing those labour pains, contractions, screaming and crying make everything worthwhile.

    Not long now! Let us know how it goes

  11. #11
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marylen View Post
    oh that makes me feel nerveous, not sure what what best to choose with...either CS or natural birth....both i guess has its own differences yet so on my 21weeks pregnant right now, got a big bump as u can see on the
    Not long now marylen....
    So excited now

    You will be alright. I agree with Geraldine better exp natural birth at first and u will know the joy and pain of giving birth

  12. #12
    Respected Member misscarie's Avatar
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    ohhh...more babies will come .. lol

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  13. #13
    Respected Member aug06_2006's Avatar
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    Bad news our car was stolen..
    wednesday morning i started my contractions and i told to my hubby that we were going to hospital.Then while my hubby warm up our car i was inside in our house cryin n cryin coz of the pain i felt and my hubby came inside the house he phoned the midwife to asked what kind of medicine to help to stop my pain...ohhh God! we got shock coz we heared the car door banging n someone drove it..can't believed it! hubby and i were crying together...

    Anyway, during my labour was not good am almost in ceasarian... Tnx God sunday morning i gave birth of our healthy n beautiful son. dat's a great news!

  14. #14
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Louella & Iain.

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