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Thread: Look what the fat cat dragged in......

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    N. Wales, Wrexham
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    Angry Look what the fat cat dragged in......

    Well, I wasn't expecting this to happen, but it did.

    Maybe third time lucky and somebody will have he guts to slam the slimy worm in jail this time.

    I am sure he will screw things up like he did twice before, but got away with it.

    The other annoying fact is that will most certainty Blunkett will be recalled in the reshuffle...

    It is normal in this day and age to reward failures and chastize success....

    Same has been happening with the company I worked for until a few days ago.
    A particular Manager that hasn't seen an office target reached in, I don't know how, many years was promoted to Company Director.

    It goes to show.....

    It ain't what you know.... But who you know.....

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Denbigh, United Kingdom
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    Strange how the only person around the cabinet table from the Blair years is now Brown!!! Deja Vu ......May as well have Porky Pig in charge, at least he's the better talker out of the two
    Keith - Administrator

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