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  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i was sat near the front of a bus going home from work on Friday, a couple of seats in front of me was a lady with her 4 kids, a baby, the others maybe 4,7 and 12. they were laughing at something outside, and they started talking to each other, then i realised they were polish.

    maybe 5 mins later, someone sat near the back of the bus said, 'polish' .. few mins later another said 'go home' then the first one said ' look they don't know what were saying' and they kept saying 'polish' and the other 'go home', if i could hear them, then the polish sure did, but they just kept laughing about something, this went on for a few mins..

    i was really close to saying something, but most of the people sat behind me were college students. and without knowing which little it was, i wasn't going to tell anyone to shut up without knowing which it was.. . but no one else, none of their friends or anyone else who was sat behind me said anything to these 2 smart .

    i would have said something if i had a camera phone and took pics of the 2 little , and tried to get them expelled from college or report it to the police, but like i said they only said 'polish' and the other 'go home'. but even still i felt really uncomfortable witnessing this, picking on a woman and kids, pathetic little . i know they wouldn't have said anything if a polish guy was there, they would have wet their pants.

    but what me off, no one who was sat next to them or near them said anything..

  2. #2
    Respected Member benb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sam_althea View Post
    last night, some insecure people here in belfast wrote something on the fence nearby is written this way...."BLACK AND CHINESE" GO HOME!!!..
    thank God we are Filipinos...but anyway, that is descrimination....poor people, they dont realize our contributions in this country..
    For many locals, its not easy for them to differentiate a chinese, japanese, thai, filipino etc. They all look the same.

    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    but what me off, no one who was sat next to them or near them said anything..
    Many are concerned with their own problems especially with a gloomy economy.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by benb View Post
    For many locals, its not easy for them to differentiate a chinese, japanese, thai, filipino etc. They all look the same.

    Many are concerned with their own problems especially with a gloomy economy.
    With all due respect.....

    Sounds like you are excusing them....

    Appeasement gave us WWII.... Which in my mind is the root cause of what is going wrong nowadays....

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    education dom is the only answer

    little do kids/teenagers know of their own countries history, without the polish pilots in the RAF, Britain may not have won 'the battle of Britain' and maybe we would all be speaking german now , like my mom was forced to learn German at school when the Nazi's invaded the Baltic states in WW2.

    i can understand the point that people are worried that eastern europeans have taken jobs etc, near me, there must be 5 polish sklep shops i go past on my way to work, maybe too many here, too soon, and with the credit crunch its not a good time for all, but no reason to abuse women and kids

  5. #5
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    education dom is the only answer

    little do kids/teenagers know of their own countries history, without the polish pilots in the RAF, Britain may not have won 'the battle of Britain' and maybe we would all be speaking german now , like my mom was forced to learn German at school when the Nazi's invaded the Baltic states in WW2.

    i can understand the point that people are worried that eastern europeans have taken jobs etc, near me, there must be 5 polish sklep shops i go past on my way to work, maybe too many here, too soon, and with the credit crunch its not a good time for all, but no reason to abuse women and kids
    That's the real problem, too many, too soon. I'm not against immigration or immigrants from any country in the world, but if the immigrants that come here, all come in a huge wave over a very short period, they do not assimilate into the British way of life, our ways and our customs. They just congregate together, usually, but not always, in inner city areas and create their own little ghettos like the Polish in Peterborough etc.

    Apart from when all of the Asians were kicked out of Uganda, I can't remember this ever happening before until now and although we have always had those who were against immigrants of any nationality, in the past, immigrants were mostly welcomed here in the UK.

  6. #6
    Respected Member benb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    they do not assimilate into the British way of life, our ways and our customs. They just congregate together, usually, but not always, in inner city areas and create their own little ghettos like the Polish in Peterborough etc.
    I'm against congregation too - religion plays a part to some extent.

    Britian can either be strict in terms of immigration (like in Singapore, Kuwait etc), which is unlikely to happen or we all just have to adapt and create a common way of life.

    As Joe mentioned, I also think education is the key!

  7. #7
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    education dom is the only answer

    little do kids/teenagers know of their own countries history, without the polish pilots in the RAF, Britain may not have won 'the battle of Britain' and maybe we would all be speaking german now , like my mom was forced to learn German at school when the Nazi's invaded the Baltic states in WW2.

    i can understand the point that people are worried that eastern europeans have taken jobs etc, near me, there must be 5 polish sklep shops i go past on my way to work, maybe too many here, too soon, and with the credit crunch its not a good time for all, but no reason to abuse women and kids
    Polish and Engima machines is all you need to know to why the British ended up on the right side of the war.

    Never right to be rude to anyone. But the problems were planted in the early noughties and before with everyone to scared to talk about the Issue.

    One of the Worse issues your find is how racist/bigoted many Immigrants are which is also part of the reason as well as the common bond/vaules/religion/outlook etc they share. Means they end up with their own..

    Sadly many of the Poles I see in West London have very very non pc views. From what both the more highly educated Poles who came over in recently and from those who have been living here years tell me. Many of the working class newcomer poles hold views which if expressed on here would have the board closed down. I can think of several violent epsiodes and many where the match didn't quite light with drunk poles acting like the polish version of the BNP. I have witnessed these with my own eyes and in the company of Polish friends who were embrassed to tell me its not unknown.

    Many other races from all backgrounds will say in public how they have no issues with others but a very very large percentage will have different racial,ethnic, religous and political groups that they would prefer to stay away from. Right on social workers will not be able to intergrate these groups how ever many seminars they attend.

    The best way is to get by it would seem is to agree to disagree and see how things pan out. Many cultures as they group better off tend to find it easier to "intergrate" but thats not going to happen for the next three years minimum.
    If the worse possible outcomes happen from the information being fed to me comes to light we will all revert back to large groups for survial of the fittest.

    Fights between the different cultures and races have been a big issue in London for years of course but I have heard and seen more divisons breding in the last six months for a long time.

    Casual/cash in hand work which kept many of the people who live at the bottom of the pile afloat has dried up. Crime is up but not that we know as its easier to rob from those who will not report it to the authorities so quickly as the middle class and the rich.

    At the schools and academies i have links with in central london with many being from poor backgrounds this is a big issue with Pupils being robbed of items they need for schooling or dissapearing as the family cant afford to send them. The onsite Police officers know its happening but rarely get a formal complaint raised.

    Again in local areas the big problems not between White british kids and "others" its between various ethnic minority groups. The biggest issues between established groups and those recently arrived in the area/UK.
    Both types of groups often police themselves from my experience having rightly or wrongly a distrust of police forces in general formed often from past experinces in there homelands.

    I think it was the early noughties when there were the race riots, Friends and I were waiting for it to kick off in West london. but it never did mainly it would seem that people were doing ok. Had Jobs, credit was easy, there house was on the up, rents cheap and the pound strong.

    A credit drought, a recession, house prices going back down to what they should be and possibly lower with the issue that affects many on here remittance.
    With Sterling looking like its the weakest currency major currency and now its last big industry the city is deeply wounded(ok we have education bringing in the currency at present but how long will that last?). We will see major problems for those with those who remittance affects greatly. Not just in the pocket but pride and self esteem. no one can for sure say how this will impact British soceity but i doubt it will be a postive.

    Its gonna get ugly out there

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes i think things could get nasty for some of the eastern euros who are here, i've worked with some polish, like i've said b4, one i got to know really well. was a decent guy. but as work took on more eastern euros, i started hearing resentment from other people i worked with, saying what they doing here, taking our jobs, from all ages, from mid 20's to a guy who was nearly 60, which surprised me as i had know him for many years and he was always easy going.

    i get a bus to work in the morning and 12 polish get off one bus to wait for another bus at my stop, 2 more polish get on the same bus as me, makes you wonder how many polish are here, and what effect it will have when brits start losing their jobs and are unable to find work .

  9. #9
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    yes i think things could get nasty for some of the eastern euros who are here, i've worked with some polish, like i've said b4, one i got to know really well. was a decent guy. but as work took on more eastern euros, i started hearing resentment from other people i worked with, saying what they doing here, taking our jobs, from all ages, from mid 20's to a guy who was nearly 60, which surprised me as i had know him for many years and he was always easy going.

    i get a bus to work in the morning and 12 polish get off one bus to wait for another bus at my stop, 2 more polish get on the same bus as me, makes you wonder how many polish are here, and what effect it will have when brits start losing their jobs and are unable to find work .
    Its not just polish workers.

    For example in London many of the cleaning companies are it seems latino (mainly south american from the few convos with a smattering of portugese and spanish workers as well) Untill recently no one else wanted the jobs so it was the lowest of the lows. But now i notice British people (of all colours) are now not a rare sight. The same in supermarkets and even in factorys.

    When the underclass and the migrant workforce get squeezed where do they go?
    Already in Victoria particularly and other parts of central London there are dozens if not hundreds of Eastern european rough sleepers, also people from other races and an increase in British (again of various colours).
    Check out the queues in Rochester row when your next down in the SW1 area joe huge queues for the shelter down there.

    Many of the non european black market workers, i doubt are here legally and so will slip in to a tiwllight zone on the streets. Who will police them and look after there basic needs (remeber these people are often duped into being here and never wanted to be a burden on the country just earn a decnt wage)

    Regardless of poltical party both would have done the same, hundreds of thousands (they think no one is sure) came here in the good times fair doo's i would most likely do the same. But no one seems to know how we will deal with the problem as we know now not if but when a bust situation comes as it invariably will as history will tell you for hundreds if not thousands of years.

    Communties are going to become more insular and look after one another and all the respect and learning about cultures is not going to help in the short term (we should never stop doing the two things thou). Radical ideas and steps need to be created by the mainstream and quickly to stop potentially nasty situations occuring.
    Otherwise normally barely tolerate groups such as the BNP, other extreme racial and religous groups will step in.

  10. #10
    Respected Member benb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    With all due respect.....

    Sounds like you are excusing them....
    Its true facts. But no excuse at all!
    Being a British Indian, I know how it feels to be discriminated.


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