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  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes i think things could get nasty for some of the eastern euros who are here, i've worked with some polish, like i've said b4, one i got to know really well. was a decent guy. but as work took on more eastern euros, i started hearing resentment from other people i worked with, saying what they doing here, taking our jobs, from all ages, from mid 20's to a guy who was nearly 60, which surprised me as i had know him for many years and he was always easy going.

    i get a bus to work in the morning and 12 polish get off one bus to wait for another bus at my stop, 2 more polish get on the same bus as me, makes you wonder how many polish are here, and what effect it will have when brits start losing their jobs and are unable to find work .

  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    yes i think things could get nasty for some of the eastern euros who are here, i've worked with some polish, like i've said b4, one i got to know really well. was a decent guy. but as work took on more eastern euros, i started hearing resentment from other people i worked with, saying what they doing here, taking our jobs, from all ages, from mid 20's to a guy who was nearly 60, which surprised me as i had know him for many years and he was always easy going.

    i get a bus to work in the morning and 12 polish get off one bus to wait for another bus at my stop, 2 more polish get on the same bus as me, makes you wonder how many polish are here, and what effect it will have when brits start losing their jobs and are unable to find work .
    Its not just polish workers.

    For example in London many of the cleaning companies are it seems latino (mainly south american from the few convos with a smattering of portugese and spanish workers as well) Untill recently no one else wanted the jobs so it was the lowest of the lows. But now i notice British people (of all colours) are now not a rare sight. The same in supermarkets and even in factorys.

    When the underclass and the migrant workforce get squeezed where do they go?
    Already in Victoria particularly and other parts of central London there are dozens if not hundreds of Eastern european rough sleepers, also people from other races and an increase in British (again of various colours).
    Check out the queues in Rochester row when your next down in the SW1 area joe huge queues for the shelter down there.

    Many of the non european black market workers, i doubt are here legally and so will slip in to a tiwllight zone on the streets. Who will police them and look after there basic needs (remeber these people are often duped into being here and never wanted to be a burden on the country just earn a decnt wage)

    Regardless of poltical party both would have done the same, hundreds of thousands (they think no one is sure) came here in the good times fair doo's i would most likely do the same. But no one seems to know how we will deal with the problem as we know now not if but when a bust situation comes as it invariably will as history will tell you for hundreds if not thousands of years.

    Communties are going to become more insular and look after one another and all the respect and learning about cultures is not going to help in the short term (we should never stop doing the two things thou). Radical ideas and steps need to be created by the mainstream and quickly to stop potentially nasty situations occuring.
    Otherwise normally barely tolerate groups such as the BNP, other extreme racial and religous groups will step in.

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes your right andy

    gov really up by not putting a cap on the eastern europeans coming here, like some countries did, as they have now done for Romanians and Bulgarians. who in their right mind came up with the figure of a few 10k's of polish coming here, when in fact it was near the 1 million mark

    and the cap on romainians and bulgarians is only for 7yrs, then they will come in their 100,000's, and why not, who wants to live in a poor country

    maybe with the increase in minimum wage, more brits are prepared to do cleaning jobs, when you've got bills to pay most people will do any job to bring money in..

    also some central/south American countries you don't need a visa to come to the uk, maybe that's why you see so many of them working here, but with the fines employers could face now for employing illegal immigrants, that also could be another reason why your seeing more Brits doing them jobs.

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