Does anyone did this TRICK OR TREAT during October 1st... Me nada hehehe! But I love to try loleven I'm not a kid no more
Happy Halloweenwoooooooooooo
Does anyone did this TRICK OR TREAT during October 1st... Me nada hehehe! But I love to try loleven I'm not a kid no more
Happy Halloweenwoooooooooooo
Sorry to burst your bubble but hallowe'en is 31st October...
trick or treating seem to be a bit more popular these days, lots of kids from our close dress up and knock on doors. but there is not a lot of them. on the other hand i spend a lot of time on the american base near us and my god you wont get any rest on the 31st, lots and lots of kids go trick or treating.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.
Just be careful offering to perform tricks in the UK.
Most streets in the Uk (well the poncey south) its all organised the parents take turns to take the kids round having checked with the neighbours first.
Strange that a custom involving going door to door begging should come from the richest country in the world.
I think it's a bloody nuisance.
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