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Thread: Laptop Brand

  1. #1
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Post Laptop Brand

    Ummmm I'm using laptop for almost 2 years now, it's not a branded one but it's really useful for me and for my hubby. Now I want to give it to my brother and I will buy new one... I'm thinking to buy ACER SOON and bring it over there... And my hubby is disagreeing that I cannot bring it over the plane in flying there in the future because he said the security is strick bla bla bla which I think it's not... and he said I cannot use the loptop that I bought here and then I will use there He is not really techy person...

    I'm confuse now, I want to buy new one this coming December, God willing ... What do you think ACER is GOOD? Can I use the LAPTOP that I will buy here and thn bring over there?

  2. #2
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    yes u can use it here, i have never owned an acer laptop but my sister in law back home has one and she seem happy with it. u can use ur laptop on the plane too, we did
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

  3. #3
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    yes u can use it here, i have never owned an acer laptop but my sister in law back home has one and she seem happy with it. u can use ur laptop on the plane too, we did
    ohh cool...I'm planning to buy ACER it's not that expensive hehehehe! Seee I knew it that I can use laptop on the plane hmmm just my hubby is not tht techy hayyy hehehe but I love him to bits hehehe... thanks for the tips Maria.. what laptop your using right now?

  4. #4
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    im using dell, but my hubby got my son a mac he is into designing, and he seem to love his mac.
    how much is you acer sis, maybe u can get one cheaper here, its always on offer here na
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

  5. #5
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    im using dell, but my hubby got my son a mac he is into designing, and he seem to love his mac.
    how much is you acer sis, maybe u can get one cheaper here, its always on offer here na

    ohhh same with my hubby he is using dell too...ummm MAC is my dream one hehehe..the ACER here it will cost from 30k above here --- I'm looking the TESCO site now found some...

  6. #6
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    try comparing prices before you buy, try the dell website too. happy shopping!
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

  7. #7
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    try comparing prices before you buy, try the dell website too. happy shopping!
    Ok sis.. I want to get a good buys.. thanks

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by amyburple View Post
    Ok sis.. I want to get a good buys.. thanks
    I would not touch Acer witha bargepole.

    Toshiba satellite series........

  9. #9
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    I would not touch Acer witha bargepole.

    Toshiba satellite series........

    awww why MOD??? Any downside please? I'm looking now also the Toshiba website now

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by amyburple View Post
    awww why MOD??? Any downside please? I'm looking now also the Toshiba website now
    Acer...... Advent...... E-Machines........

    Too much own software installed....

    I rather have an Acorn Electron than them....

  11. #11
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    Acer...... Advent...... E-Machines........

    Too much own software installed....

    I rather have an Acorn Electron than them....

    Ok thanks for the tips.. i will scout TOSHIBA

  12. #12
    Respected Member doonat's Avatar
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    acer, compaq = not satisfied with the performance and design.

    i'm using toshiba satelite right now. some good brands i've tried include sony, mac, hp pavillion, dell

    just a tip: if you plan to get a mobile phone line (minimum 18 months contract to 24 mos.) here in uk you can avail of free items like laptop, PS3, nintendo wii, xbox 360, lcd tv, etc..... saves you money and you even got a new phone

  13. #13
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Write a list of what you want....then when you have a list of laptops that have that.....list them as processor, ram, graphics, screen, etc....and compare them. Buy the best that fits, not the cheapest.
    Keith - Administrator

  14. #14
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Good point to bring up about prebundled PCs

    Our company uses Dell but wipes them clean and then starts again.

    Go and use the laptops your about to buy.

    never understood why people buy a device which they have never try which can if you use a great deal affect your health (eyes, back, wrists)

    Make a list of what YOU want from the Laptop.

    Read loads of reviews from real people. Be careful about reading reviews on the Internet many independent blogs and the likes are treated very well by firms.

    worth checking out if the warrenty is important how the company is doing is it likely to be here in 22 months when you need to make a claim?

    Also if you buy in Phill and bring to the UK for example make sure its a worldwide warrenty. I think Acers is as is tosh as are many of the big firms but do check.

    Also noticed Phil is a dumping ground for some PC and electronics companies. So be careful what exact model your getting read reviews for that exact model. one letter added or taen off the name can make a big difference.

    Never stop your self buying a laptop due to the software loaded on if the Hardware is top rate.

    Make sure the laptop is expandable, can more memory be added? can the hard disk be changed easily. Also what connectors does it have is it future proof?

    Many people i know of a techy nature by a Laptop subsidised by junk ware loaded on and wipe the hard disk and load on a COpy of XP they have even if you buy a oem copy (most pc shops will sell it to you if you buy a a pc part)

    So what do you intend to use the laptop for?

    Office type applications, browsing, graphics, games, im?

    One last thing i would add.

    Although spending money can normally equate to a better laptop sometimes its better to buy what you need if its not a major priority.

    Many people i know have a cheap laptop which they change regularly every two years say.

    why spend a thousand pounds if you use now and then and could have 5 different laptops for the next ten years for 200?

  15. #15
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by doonat View Post
    acer, compaq = not satisfied with the performance and design.

    i'm using toshiba satelite right now. some good brands i've tried include sony, mac, hp pavillion, dell

    just a tip: if you plan to get a mobile phone line (minimum 18 months contract to 24 mos.) here in uk you can avail of free items like laptop, PS3, nintendo wii, xbox 360, lcd tv, etc..... saves you money and you even got a new phone
    Be careful of those deals the Wife was tempted when i did the maths for the difference in a decent contract for your phone (and a better phone) you could sometimes buy a better laptop etc with the savings.

    All the calcualtions i did were in the last month or so.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Be careful of those deals the Wife was tempted when i did the maths for the difference in a decent contract for your phone (and a better phone) you could sometimes buy a better laptop etc with the savings.

    All the calcualtions i did were in the last month or so.
    I recently switched broadband providers from BT (crap) to AOL (excellent so far) through a Carphone warehouse deal.
    18 months contract with a Free-ish (70 odd quid extra) Toshiba Satellite 149-300 laptop thrown in.
    I cannot grumble really, the lappie is absolutely superb, and more than what I really need in terms of RAM and HDD capacity. With Vista Premium installed it is a real gem.
    There were a couple of Acer lappies on offer for free, but I declined, and happily paid the extra for something worth its salt.
    I did make some sums before signing on the dotted line, and all in all, even with the extra charge, I was well up, compared to my previous BB provider.
    Even my techy sons are impressed with it...

  17. #17
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    I recently switched broadband providers from BT (crap) to AOL (excellent so far) through a Carphone warehouse deal.
    18 months contract with a Free-ish (70 odd quid extra) Toshiba Satellite 149-300 laptop thrown in.
    I cannot grumble really, the lappie is absolutely superb, and more than what I really need in terms of RAM and HDD capacity. With Vista Premium installed it is a real gem.
    There were a couple of Acer lappies on offer for free, but I declined, and happily paid the extra for something worth its salt.
    I did make some sums before signing on the dotted line, and all in all, even with the extra charge, I was well up, compared to my previous BB provider.
    Even my techy sons are impressed with it...
    hmm what was wrong with bt?
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

  18. #18
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I've never had a problem with BT, but then I'm on the business 8MB account, and can download as much as I like .......should have the entire Internet downloaded by 4067
    Keith - Administrator

  19. #19
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amyburple View Post
    Ummmm I'm using laptop for almost 2 years now, it's not a branded one but it's really useful for me and for my hubby. Now I want to give it to my brother and I will buy new one... I'm thinking to buy ACER SOON and bring it over there... And my hubby is disagreeing that I cannot bring it over the plane in flying there in the future because he said the security is strick bla bla bla which I think it's not... and he said I cannot use the loptop that I bought here and then I will use there He is not really techy person...

    I'm confuse now, I want to buy new one this coming December, God willing ... What do you think ACER is GOOD? Can I use the LAPTOP that I will buy here and thn bring over there?
    sis if were you don't buy laptop in the philippines, loads of branded laptop here and cheaper than in PI
    all things are possible!

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    hmm what was wrong with bt?
    I was talked by a salesman to switch from BT Yahoo to Bt Broadband, unlimited download, up to 8meg speed, cheaper, better, wifi phone thrown in, blah, blah....
    Within 3 months the speed was reduced to just about a meg if it didn't rain... After various calls to india somewhere, and having to listen to someone reading to me from the same manual I had in front of me, got kind of fed up. Before the switch I was getting slightly over 2 meg and with that lot not even the half of it.
    It went on for ages.
    Everytime I did online speed checks, it came out that I was able to receive over 2 meg, but BT was only giving 1 meg or thereabouts. After complaining, my speed was increased.... Only to be cut again two months later, with the excuse that the cables were old, and the distance from the exchange was too great.... Less than a mile....???
    More online speed checks, and I proved them wrong when they did it for me.... They had to admit that it was their fault but.... Blah, blah, blah....
    Now, with AOL I get what I am paying for.
    Over 2 meg and the service is good.... They speak english......

  21. #21
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Now you see Mr Dom, in the VAST majority of cases, the problem is not with the line speed, but with the computer. The majority of computers can't handle the incoming speed, so slow it down.

    If you do a speed test, it measures it at the speed your computer processes it, not what you actually receive it as.

    For instance I get 8MB, I usually have 7.6MB hitting my router....and I live in the middle of knowhere, miles from the exchange, yet a speed measurement in IE may only give me 3MBs....and this is on a 4GB...Quadcore ......It all depends what your system is, and what it is doing.

    Before complaining, always work out the average speed hitting your router over a few weeks, don't use online speed tests, they are meaningless.
    Keith - Administrator

  22. #22
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by doonat View Post
    acer, compaq = not satisfied with the performance and design.

    i'm using toshiba satelite right now. some good brands i've tried include sony, mac, hp pavillion, dell

    just a tip: if you plan to get a mobile phone line (minimum 18 months contract to 24 mos.) here in uk you can avail of free items like laptop, PS3, nintendo wii, xbox 360, lcd tv, etc..... saves you money and you even got a new phone
    ohhh ok.. Thanks for tht tip, I will let my hubby to scout laptop there for me. My hubby is using DELL ummmm I'm thinking to get TOSHIBA

  23. #23
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Write a list of what you want....then when you have a list of laptops that have that.....list them as processor, ram, graphics, screen, etc....and compare them. Buy the best that fits, not the cheapest.
    umm on my list boss.. is of course WI-FI ready, 5in1 card reader slot, blue tooth, cd-writer and built-in cam, intel-centrino duo processor...
    ummm I'm not that good in specs hehehe as long as it is fast that's important to me hehehehe...

  24. #24
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    DVD-Writer.....AT LEAST 2GB's of RAM as most come with Vista now, and anything less slows it right down.....Try and get a Dual Core.
    Keith - Administrator

  25. #25
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Good point to bring up about prebundled PCs

    Our company uses Dell but wipes them clean and then starts again.

    Go and use the laptops your about to buy.

    never understood why people buy a device which they have never try which can if you use a great deal affect your health (eyes, back, wrists)

    Make a list of what YOU want from the Laptop.

    Read loads of reviews from real people. Be careful about reading reviews on the Internet many independent blogs and the likes are treated very well by firms.

    worth checking out if the warrenty is important how the company is doing is it likely to be here in 22 months when you need to make a claim?

    Also if you buy in Phill and bring to the UK for example make sure its a worldwide warrenty. I think Acers is as is tosh as are many of the big firms but do check.

    Also noticed Phil is a dumping ground for some PC and electronics companies. So be careful what exact model your getting read reviews for that exact model. one letter added or taen off the name can make a big difference.

    Never stop your self buying a laptop due to the software loaded on if the Hardware is top rate.

    Make sure the laptop is expandable, can more memory be added? can the hard disk be changed easily. Also what connectors does it have is it future proof?

    Many people i know of a techy nature by a Laptop subsidised by junk ware loaded on and wipe the hard disk and load on a COpy of XP they have even if you buy a oem copy (most pc shops will sell it to you if you buy a a pc part)

    So what do you intend to use the laptop for?

    Office type applications, browsing, graphics, games, im?

    One last thing i would add.

    Although spending money can normally equate to a better laptop sometimes its better to buy what you need if its not a major priority.

    Many people i know have a cheap laptop which they change regularly every two years say.

    why spend a thousand pounds if you use now and then and could have 5 different laptops for the next ten years for 200?

    Thanks for these TIPS... I'm not planning to buy too expensive LAPTOP too because my first one is not tht expensive and its not branded too. It's enough for me to use it for more than 2 years not, I used it just plainly surfing, talking to my hubby and uploading pics and download songs and sometimes just few office works... So I decided to buy new one and I'm citing now TOSHIBA -- and for sure I will not buy too expensive new laptop for me, I'm not that techy person and at the same time I'm not weird too hehehehe I just love GADGETS hehehehe -- So maybe my budget for that is 500 pounds only... And I'm thinking now If I will buy here or there? hmmmmm the downside is if I will travel going there Hopefully 15hours travel is soooooooooooo boring huhuhuhuhuuh

  26. #26
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    I recently switched broadband providers from BT (crap) to AOL (excellent so far) through a Carphone warehouse deal.
    18 months contract with a Free-ish (70 odd quid extra) Toshiba Satellite 149-300 laptop thrown in.
    I cannot grumble really, the lappie is absolutely superb, and more than what I really need in terms of RAM and HDD capacity. With Vista Premium installed it is a real gem.
    There were a couple of Acer lappies on offer for free, but I declined, and happily paid the extra for something worth its salt.
    I did make some sums before signing on the dotted line, and all in all, even with the extra charge, I was well up, compared to my previous BB provider.
    Even my techy sons are impressed with it...
    ohhh BT is crap hehehe WHY? my hubby is using it since then... So AOL is BETTER? What's the specs of your LAPPIES MOD

  27. #27
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    I was talked by a salesman to switch from BT Yahoo to Bt Broadband, unlimited download, up to 8meg speed, cheaper, better, wifi phone thrown in, blah, blah....
    Within 3 months the speed was reduced to just about a meg if it didn't rain... After various calls to india somewhere, and having to listen to someone reading to me from the same manual I had in front of me, got kind of fed up. Before the switch I was getting slightly over 2 meg and with that lot not even the half of it.
    It went on for ages.
    Everytime I did online speed checks, it came out that I was able to receive over 2 meg, but BT was only giving 1 meg or thereabouts. After complaining, my speed was increased.... Only to be cut again two months later, with the excuse that the cables were old, and the distance from the exchange was too great.... Less than a mile....???
    More online speed checks, and I proved them wrong when they did it for me.... They had to admit that it was their fault but.... Blah, blah, blah....
    Now, with AOL I get what I am paying for.
    Over 2 meg and the service is good.... They speak english......
    I will take this TIPS from you MOD hehehe! AOL is better than BT

  28. #28
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vbkelly View Post
    sis if were you don't buy laptop in the Philippines, loads of branded laptop here and cheaper than in PI

    I'm having second thoughts now where to buy my new laptop.... hehehhe My hubby says that I will buy there If I'm there esp this January SALES.. I can get a good buys and great deals.. but then the down side is... What will i do in the plane If I will travel from here to there one day..It's too boring ayt, I do have my ipod hehehhe..

  29. #29
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    DVD-Writer.....AT LEAST 2GB's of RAM as most come with Vista now, and anything less slows it right down.....Try and get a Dual Core.
    Yes most now comes with VISTA but then I've heard that vista is not nice, is it true? I'm using XP in my laptop here in office we are using lenux...

    Yea Dual Core is on my list too

  30. #30
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Vista is fantastic, faster & much more secure. People who have problems with usually blame MS, when the problem is with 3rd party drivers they never bothered to update. You won't have any problems on a new system.
    Keith - Administrator

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