I’ve spoken to Janice and the father is on the birth certificate, I’ve also asked her to contact the Attn. dealing with the annulment to see where she stands legally with sole responsibility.
As his lack of support and not being in the country was part for the evidence against him.
Although he has not seen both of them for over 4 yrs, Janice has had word from a friend that the father is due back in the Philippines soon, this has made me worry about everything as we are still waiting the paperwork for the annulment, and don’t know where we stand legally, does he still have rights as the father?
Do you know what kind of evidence the ECO need for poof of sole responsibility, a letter from the courts would nice but what are our other options?I really don’t feel that they should be separated even for a short time and want to make sure that i have enough evidence for the ECO.