Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
if there has been no contact from the father for years, and the child's mother is and has been responsible for his upbringing, then there should be no problems with the sole responsibility, especially if the father is not in the phils..

only time you might get problems with sole responsibility is when the father still has a lot of contact with the child and supports the child, or if the mother works far away from the child and a relative looks after the child.

thou jealous ex's could cause problems just for the sake of it or wanting a pay off, so might be worth not telling him of your plans, just in case he causes problems, and if the father is not in the phils that's even better

you shouldn't have any problems if she has been with the child all his life

http://www.ukvisas.gov.uk/en/ecg/chapter14/ find everythnig you need to know here
No there hasn't been any contact for yrs and if he does come she want to avoid him anyway, and her and kid have never been apart thanks for the link Joe I will rest easy tonight