this i find shockingly offensive, looking at this just makes me think of my fiance and all the good people i met in the philippines .
and i feel sad to view this and also a little ashamed to view this blatently racist unfunny pile of crap directed at a nation of people.
The off button works wonders.Honestly, if it does offend you, switch over to something else. How about the Welsh being made fun of? The French? Doesn't bother me in the slightest.
I encountered a lot of racism towards "Whiteys" during my time in Philippines, far more offensive than the Harry & Paul joke - the number of times I was called Joe and when prices would suddenly doubled or tripled just because I was there, I could go on.
Thanks chris, hope he didn't not mention directly the word "Filipino" he can use Asian women though
its pretty racist against us northerners too if you watch previous episodes of harry and paul....
Not that I'm saying its acceptable
K xx
Found it.....
Storm in a teacup.Imagine if the Irish took offensive about the jokes about them.It had been going on for years.then suddenly it stopped. about bloody time!
Before it was the Irish, the blacks, and upper class people. I watched a routine on Amensty international last night. Young lad did a routine on his little brother having a epileptic fit and sticking a valium up his ass. Hmm and their slogan said RIGHTS FOR THE HUMAN.
anyways. Why did he not just say, MAID. not Filipino maid. But, theres no petition about northerners yet!
Its about time we all looked at jokes as jokes. The dividing line is if the joke is intended to be offensive of just funny. It hard to tell any joke which does not have a go a someone. Where would the world be without Polish, Jewish, Irish, Scots, English, black etc etc jokes? Anyway who normally tells the best so called 'racist' jokes, the people from the very background that they are mocking. Just look ( listen) to Lennie Henry.
Indeed. but I am sure people would not find Alf Garnet as funny as now.Its just whats funny and topical at the time. If you can't laugh at yourself, whats the point? For example here's a joke: Two Irish fellas leave Dublin to go to work in London. The collective IQ of Dublin halves overnight (As I said you've got to be able to laugh at yourself haven't you?) When the two get to London, the collective IQ there doubles overnight.(I thought we agree that you're supposed to laugh at yourself?)
Perspectives !
Remember the great British naval heroes, Francis Drake, Sir Walter Raleigh, Lord Sheffield, Sir Richard Grenville etc.
Now I live in Spain, where they are remembered as the Pirates who attacked their galleons and stole Spanish gold.
I guess the South American remember the Spanish as the guys who stole their gold in the first pace.
Its a funny old world.
except if ur german.oops. that not allowed hehe
I have just watched the clip with the Wife and we both saw it as taking th mick out of the way those with servants and staff treat them.
Maybe more Rich Phills (senators etc) found it offensive as they are often the ones with maids/house staff and treat them poorly?
I would go as far as harry Enfield and paul white house actually struck a blow for the rights of Phill domestic staff in the UK?
Who like today when in South Ken i saw many Phill "servants" some im sure treated well and others not so well.
If more shows in Phill took the mick out of those who treat staff badly possible it would have as big a effect as passing a bill?
no one likes to be laughed at.
your right walesrob i can switch off and i was only too happy to do so.
i have enjoyed contraversial comedy before such as alf garnet who is as racist as hell but the show is ridiculing his beleifs.
you have monty pythons holy grail which was fun to watch.
theres chris morris`s brass eye program which poked fun at the hype which surounded peodophiles at the time.
touchy isues but these programs share a common theme being they was funny.
maybe i`m being oversensitive about the enfield clip but i just saw it as showing filipina domestic workers as being sexualy promiscuous, and willing to do anything to please the white man no matter how humiliating to her ,and i dont find it in the slightest bit funny.
thats my view of it
I thought you said you switched it off?but i just saw it as showing filipina domestic workers as being sexualy promiscuous, and willing to do anything to please the white man no matter how humiliating to her ,and i dont find it in the slightest bit funny.
thats my view of it
Absit invidia
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lol fred
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