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Thread: Hi! I'm back err... as a Student

  1. #1
    Respected Member beth18's Avatar
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    Hi! I'm back err... as a Student

    Hi everyone,

    Glad to be back! After 9 months in Phils.

    Got back in London middle of September, that was a friday night at Heathrow, the following day have to attend bf's nana's 90th in Oxford till sunday, monday have to start the College, the following weekend was again spent at Lake district to attend bf's friend's wedding. And now I'm job hunting, anybody looking for part time nanny?

    It took me a while to make it back here in London, or should I say bf took a while to bring me back here. In a Student Visa.

    It is more expensive on his part because I attend in one of the computer colleges at Oxford Street, I cant work regulary,( even trying hard to find a part time in our area), and cant help him financially as much as I want to. But hey it was his choice how to get me back here.

    Again I just did the right thing appllied my visa in 06 Aug got the Visa on the 19th it was even labeled "FASTRACT", and again I did all the paper works 2 nights before submission. Show money in my bank account? Php 38,000 for my daughter's new computer before I left. I even widrawn some while application was being filed.

    Strange but the stress is coming into me now for wanting so much of a job any job that is, so I can be independent to provide even for my personal needs, I feel that I have been here for ages already.

    Regards to all

  2. #2
    Respected Member jbt's Avatar
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    hi beth,

    welcome , just be patient in finding a job, i'm sure, you'll be able to have one soon, just keep on trying.


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