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Thread: Please read and hopefully sign Petition re visas for non EU spouses

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  1. #1
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    Please read and hopefully sign Petition re visas for non EU spouses

    A guy living on Coast del Sol is married to a non EU national. He has a petition to the UK Gov at which is self explanatory.

    I hope that through this medium the number of signatures can be increased dramatically.

    Thanks for your time

    John and Elaine

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    there been a few petitions in the past, one with a lot more signatures than this one, unless you get 100,000's of people to sign it, the gov could care one bit about it.

    some non british europeans in the uk, or brits living outside the uk in europe and immigrants from outside europe think their hard done by, it's a lot worse for the poor brit in the uk applying for a visa, as least non brit europeans in the uk have a legal right to bring their wife to the uk, unlike the poor brit in the uk..

    my case, all my life in uk paying taxes, waited 3 months for spouse visa, probably more evidence than most on here, as we was married for more than 2years b4 we applied for a spouse visa, only got it then because i had to complain to the embassy.

    3 settlement visas and fees for the wife, daughter, stepson. FLR for them, then life in the uk test for the wife and stepson, ILR for them them all thats another 2 apps and fees, now citizenship for the wife, another £650+. more than 6 visa apps upto now, and more than £4,000

  3. #3
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    I know how the UK treat certain of its citizens and its one reason for not living in UK. I cannot take my wife to UK, or even shopping in Gibraltar, either unless she makes a 700 mile round trip to Madrid, pay 100€, she is interviewed and we must also stay overnight as its a two day procedure.

    I too have and still am paying taxes in UK, so I know how you feel, but even so I'd still appreciate your signature.

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    and my wife cannot go anywhere in Europe without a visa even thou Britain is in the EU

    but within 6 months she will have a British passport. so to gov, end of them getting money out of me..

    sure i will sign it, it should be equal rights for anyone's spouse who has a legal right to be in the uk

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    and my wife cannot go anywhere in Europe without a visa even thou Britain is in the EU

    but within 6 months she will have a British passport. so to gov, end of them getting money out of me..

    sure i will sign it, it should be equal rights for anyone's spouse who has a legal right to be in the uk
    Hi Joe.

    My wife had a right to join me and she can go and live anywhere in Schengen Area, no thanks to British Gov but thanks to all Schengen Countries who signed the agreement. Its a reason why when my wife applies for a Spanish passport (as Filipino eligible after 2 year residence in Spain) that I an seriously thinking of taking up Spanish Nationality. I could then visit UK as a foreigner and maybe get a better deal (Just joking about the latter, I think!).

    Incidentally, I think that anyone living legally in UK could, if they wanted, visit Gibraltar without a visa, unlike those living in Schengen Area who must have a visa:

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    Hi Joe.

    My wife had a right to join me and she can go and live anywhere in Schengen Area, no thanks to British Gov but thanks to all Schengen Countries who signed the agreement. Its a reason why when my wife applies for a Spanish passport (as Filipino eligible after 2 year residence in Spain) that I an seriously thinking of taking up Spanish Nationality. I could then visit UK as a foreigner and maybe get a better deal (Just joking about the latter, I think!).

    Incidentally, I think that anyone living legally in UK could, if they wanted, visit Gibraltar without a visa, unlike those living in Schengen Area who must have a visa:
    well i was thinking at one time of applying for a Lithuanian passport,as both my parents are from there, and using that to get the misses here and save a wad of money ..

    but a few more months, and its all over with this visa game, she will have a british passport and end of the gov rapping me off anymore

  7. #7
    Respected Member flomike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    my case, all my life in uk paying taxes, waited 3 months for spouse visa, probably more evidence than most on here, as we was married for more than 2years b4 we applied for a spouse visa, only got it then because i had to complain to the embassy.

    I totally agree with you, my husband same sentiment as you as a british citizen and paying taxes for morethan 30 years in this country choose to marry a foreigner and go through a lot of stressed just to get me (financially and emotionally) Then after 2 years applying for ILR going thru loads of papers again plus the fee and now my final destination applying for naturalization with a huge fee and docs to submit again and for sure getting a passport is another story to tell

    People with work permit to process their families dependant visa no need much proof to show (work permit visa, employer certificate and accomodation) for 15 days guaranteed their families are here already and they don't pay as much as British citizen of this country in getting their wife/children.

    I am saying this just for comparison based on the filipinos in our area who manage to get their families with not much hassle like those 12 filipino linemen
    who just arrived here a year ago most of their families were here now in UK (most of them got 3 or 4 children) for just 15 days to process. I am not againts with them just to compare what me and some people been thru just to get here in UK.

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