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Thread: life....

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maria_and_matt life.... 9th October 2008, 21:53
cruisingkerry Thats a difficult question... 9th October 2008, 22:14
maria_and_matt mid life crisis maybe... i... 9th October 2008, 22:24
Tish Reading your post Maria makes... 9th October 2008, 22:15
maria_and_matt i am aware that life is what... 9th October 2008, 22:30
Tish Hahaha :icon_lol: Same here... 9th October 2008, 22:37
maria_and_matt i do try to see things from... 9th October 2008, 22:39
Tish It might be that you're not... 9th October 2008, 22:46
jbt hi sis maria, maybe its... 10th October 2008, 04:41
PAT :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning... 10th October 2008, 07:14
maria_and_matt his work sched don't permit... 10th October 2008, 07:43
IainBusby ONLY, My god, I wish I could... 10th October 2008, 09:07
maria_and_matt i can honestly say that... 10th October 2008, 10:23
IainBusby I very glad to hear that. As... 10th October 2008, 10:40
pennybarry I met a lot of filipinas with... 11th October 2008, 15:15
maria_and_matt i have lots of friends. i go... 13th October 2008, 12:41
jbt wow, sis, i think it's more... 10th October 2008, 10:55
KeithD From a mans point of... 10th October 2008, 09:15
maria_and_matt i might have to look into... 10th October 2008, 10:29
Geraldine Hi Maria, Maybe bec your... 10th October 2008, 10:42
marylen ohhhh.. sorry to hear about... 10th October 2008, 11:42
maria_and_matt thank you for all your... 10th October 2008, 11:53
jbt Goodluck sis and all the best... 10th October 2008, 11:59
maria_and_matt thank you so much sis 10th October 2008, 12:03
marylen yeah you right...go get... 10th October 2008, 12:06
maria_and_matt thank you sis, i said a... 10th October 2008, 12:15
amyburple Sorry to hear that Sis... I... 10th October 2008, 12:26
maria_and_matt well said sis, thank you. 10th October 2008, 12:37
amyburple your VERY MUCH WELCOME sis... 10th October 2008, 13:01
Frances hello Maria! Have a heart... 10th October 2008, 12:57
maria_and_matt i do try to talk to him... 10th October 2008, 13:14
reginacarlson I think you should give each... 20th October 2008, 13:33
Frances I admire you for... 10th October 2008, 14:35
Frances Maria try to do things... 10th October 2008, 14:48
maria_and_matt we do go out as a family a... 10th October 2008, 16:03
cheesewiz some people will say what a... 10th October 2008, 22:15
andypaul You may not need Money but... 10th October 2008, 22:29
maria_and_matt yeah i will do voluntary work... 11th October 2008, 00:29
Jay&Zobel Dear Maria 10th October 2008, 22:37
maria_and_matt thank you sis, will bear that... 11th October 2008, 00:30
robeth hi maria, dont despair,... 11th October 2008, 00:31
Ana_may365 i think u need a 2nd time for... 11th October 2008, 00:33
maria_and_matt :icon_lol: 11th October 2008, 00:34
cruisingkerry Hi Maria, Sorry to hear... 11th October 2008, 11:20
maria_and_matt i had no support when i was... 13th October 2008, 12:39
GaryFifer My mum was in same situation.... 11th October 2008, 16:57
maria_and_matt thank you for that, i will... 13th October 2008, 12:43
maria_and_matt just to give a few updates as... 13th October 2008, 12:48
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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    i can honestly say that material things don't matter match, i just want our relationship to get back on track. i can live without holidays, money or cars. i just want my husband to be more involved in our relationship not just be a provider. and i do know i am lucky to have him, but as i said before life is not all about money.

    I met a lot of filipinas with much boring life than yours! I also met a young chinese girl who is married to Brit. I asked her if she was ready when she gave birth for her 4 month old son. She said NO, I was not ready and feel boring now she said. So please be thankful for that. Try some reverse psychology too. I feel boring if my hubby plays his PS3. Then I'll take a shower and later tell him I'll go to my friend house. He will say OK but in few minutes he will pick me up and ask me where I want to go. If I feel unwanted, I trully tell him I NEED A HUG, I WANT SWEET NOTHINGS! I'LL START telling funny stories, scracth/ massage his back, and he will turn his attention to me

    Try making friends too. But choose the genuine one. I had 2 in our place and if she feels boring I'm always there if I have really time. Real friends will always make you feel happy

  2. #2
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    I met a lot of filipinas with much boring life than yours! I also met a young chinese girl who is married to Brit. I asked her if she was ready when she gave birth for her 4 month old son. She said NO, I was not ready and feel boring now she said. So please be thankful for that. Try some reverse psychology too. I feel boring if my hubby plays his PS3. Then I'll take a shower and later tell him I'll go to my friend house. He will say OK but in few minutes he will pick me up and ask me where I want to go. If I feel unwanted, I trully tell him I NEED A HUG, I WANT SWEET NOTHINGS! I'LL START telling funny stories, scracth/ massage his back, and he will turn his attention to me

    Try making friends too. But choose the genuine one. I had 2 in our place and if she feels boring I'm always there if I have really time. Real friends will always make you feel happy
    i have lots of friends. i go out out alot with them.
    i agree real friends makes me happy but what happen when i have to go home. it is not boredom i feel, its lonliness.
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

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