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Thread: Loooong wait for NSO Marriage Certificate :-(

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    Only been kidding, mate....

    the situation you are in at the moment is terrible, it is the wost that anyone can envisage... In limbo... If such a thing exists....

    Unfortunately there little or nothing you can do but wait, and hope for the best.

    We waited for nearly 3 months for the darn little piece of paper to be released..
    In the meantime I kept faxing/emailing Jet up to date bank balances and salary slips, so that the Embassy would have the latest info.
    Our delay was caused by the elections..... All gov buildings and resources were diverted to cope with that....

    Now she is here, as no doubt your asawa will be with you soon enough...
    Do not despair...

    Just be positive...............
    So do we just wait for this NSO Marriage Certificate?

  2. #32
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    No, don't just 'wait' ... that could take up to a year. Ask Rochelyn to visit the Local Registry Office which dealt with your wedding, with the original marriage licence, and ask for 'electronic endorsement'. She may be asked to visit the local NSO to progress the matter there.

    I know about this ... we went through it when applying for my Philippine residential visa.

    From the point that 'electronic endorsement' is initiated, it should take no more than a month for the main NSO to issue an official copy.

  3. #33
    Respected Member angel2008's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterB View Post
    No, don't just 'wait' ... that could take up to a year. Ask Rochelyn to visit the Local Registry Office which dealt with your wedding, with the original marriage licence, and ask for 'electronic endorsement'. She may be asked to visit the local NSO to progress the matter there.

    I know about this ... we went through it when applying for my Philippine residential visa.

    From the point that 'electronic endorsement' is initiated, it should take no more than a month for the main NSO to issue an official copy.
    the next day we got married I went to local civil registrar and asked for endorsement letter to NSO, they gave me the papers and I sent it through DHL and had the NSO marriage contract in less than 2 weeks. If you dont ask for endorsement, my auntie from local registrar said it takes 3 mos.

  4. #34
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    so please don't just sit and wait....if there is any way you can do make it fast like what we did mostly here....why can't you then? go to LCR and ask for early endorsement for 5 copies as possible....for sure you can have it in less than a once you have it, you can then now request for a copy through online and that if you were having no more copies only takes 3 days to request online.............

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by marylen View Post
    so please don't just sit and wait....if there is any way you can do make it fast like what we did mostly here....why can't you then? go to LCR and ask for early endorsement for 5 copies as possible....for sure you can have it in less than a once you have it, you can then now request for a copy through online and that if you were having no more copies only takes 3 days to request online.............
    Hi marylen,

    Can you please send this information to Rochelyn on her thread


  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    So do we just wait for this NSO Marriage Certificate?
    The alternative to waiting would be to keep badgering them..... Like Jet did for ours.

    We were fortunate, that one of her cousins worked for NSO in Cebu, and the lady in question kept an eye on things for us.
    But to be on the safe side, Jet went to her place every couple of days for "follow-up"....

    Don't worry, mate, you will get that piece of fancy paper, and I suggest you ask for a few copies extra.
    You don't realize how handy they will become, we already had to use a couple.

    Good luck, and cheer up.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    The alternative to waiting would be to keep badgering them..... Like Jet did for ours.

    We were fortunate, that one of her cousins worked for NSO in Cebu, and the lady in question kept an eye on things for us.
    But to be on the safe side, Jet went to her place every couple of days for "follow-up"....

    Don't worry, mate, you will get that piece of fancy paper, and I suggest you ask for a few copies extra.
    You don't realize how handy they will become, we already had to use a couple.

    Good luck, and cheer up.
    Thanks for replying Dom

    I am totally cheesed off
    Rochelyn has gone back to the LCR and asked someone to phone the NSO in Manila, asked for Electronic endorsement and asked them to "make it fast".
    They told her to go back to LCR on 25th, another ten days away.
    What happens if it is not there then?
    A Filipina I know here in the UK has told me to get Rochelyn to fly to Manila to visit the NSO office and pay a bribe.
    The thing is, when do I "jump in" and ask Rochelyn to do this?

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