Ako si Pia, Kuya Toks's queen

Husban ko is ferpect man, he is so intelligent, handsom, considerate, lubbing and punny. He cooks always nice poods por us and supports me in all op my decisions, no matter what. He does not drink or smoke. He eben futs the toilet seat down apter he has used (abused) it and pols his dirty clothes bepor putting them in the laundry basket! Toks eben lets me eat all kinds of poods in our new car and smiles at the mess I leabe behind each time. I open the car door bepor this day and scratched it on a post and he just hugged me and tol me he lubbs me more. Honey ko!!

He always holds my hand, kisses me apter I have eaten all kinds of poods and eben loves all those smelly poods like dried squid. I am so so lucky!!!!.......................................................................................

Okay, Okay, lucky ka jan! It's me, Toks ...I can't keep up the pretense any longer

Sorry for the stereotypical way writing and Pia does not speak like that, I'm just playing! Porgib me ha!!!