Hello there. I have just found out this website after ages of browsing. Anyway I am glad that after reading the messages posted here, I know now where I could find help and more advices regarding my visa application as a fiancee of my Welsh Bf.
Hello there. I have just found out this website after ages of browsing. Anyway I am glad that after reading the messages posted here, I know now where I could find help and more advices regarding my visa application as a fiancee of my Welsh Bf.
hello and welcome to the forumindeed you can find this forum very useful....
hello deltonmay29...welcome here....![]()
..there is one way to true and lasting peace....THAT WAY IS GOD'S WILL
welcome! guys here are really friendly and helpful, have fun
God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.
Another welshie......???![]()
At this rate the english will inherit the sheep by default.......![]()
welcome here![]()
to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...
Hi deltonmay,
Welcome to the forum.
Louella & Iain.
Hello and welcome to the forum!!!![]()
Jer. 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, plan to prosper you and not to harm you, plan to give you hope and a future"
welcome to the forum...
"Chains do not hold a marriage together.It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years.That is what makes a marriage last - more than passion or even sex..."
talking of welsh,
I've just downloaded Filipina dreamgirls shown on the beeb in 1991
Charlie drake was in it
anyone remember watching it, I vaguely remember it
http://ftvdb.bfi.org.uk/sift/title/455822 .. they had to go on a tour to find a wife, no internet in them days, not as we know it
i wonder how many guys went to the phils because of that show![]()
hiya!deltonmay29,welcome here![]()
Hi welcome to the forum...
Welcome to the forum![]()
Hello n welcome here.
Bienvenue a filipinouk deltonmay29!
There are 7 Planes Of Existance:
7 — Material Plane: The earth, where you are right now.
6 — Plane of Forces
5 — Astral Plane
4 — Mental Plane
3 — Too mysterious to describe.
2 — Too mysterious to describe.
1 — Too mysterious to describe.
♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.
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