And there lies the whole problem with Vista, it needs stupid amounts of RAM to run smoothly. You may remember I had an Acer laptop with Vista Basic, but only came with 512mb. Of course it spluttered, paused and even had some BSOD's (yeah I know its the fault of the manufacturer) Only by adding an extra 1.5Gb of RAM does it start to run to a degree where multi-tasking is possible. Having got this Advent Netbook with XP and 1024mb of RAM (it has a N270 Intel Atom processor), it seems very fast, and I can multitask quite easily. Bootup time is incredible - I made it about 18 seconds, never seen that before in XP.
Andypaul makes a valid comment regarding corporations not yet migrating over to Vista due to cost and technical restrictions, but also spare a thought for people in developing countries, Philippines for example - an XP machine is probably quite expensive, but if M$ force everyone onto Vista, the cost would be prohibitive for many, and I can only see more pirated copies of XP floating around or a bigger uptake of Linux distro's, such as Ubuntu. In fact, some manufacturers of these Netbooks use Ubuntu as the OS, and while I can't find any sales figures, there are more Linux laptops on sale now than ever before - even the local Currys store has 3 Linux laptops on sale.
As a footnote, if you had been following the dev. blog for Windows 7, you'll see that M$ have vowed to make the OS more lighter, with less bloat. Seems M$ have learnt a lesson. Less is more, so to speak.