Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
Don't marry him if you think he's really a bully type. Did you try to shout louder and better than he does? Your suffering is enough. Go to CAB and they will help you. Fight for your baby!!! You can do it!

hi penny!!

ur right,he is bit bully..thats what his mother said to him as well.he hit me twice already..the first one when was pregnant,coz of my jealousy of that girl..he hit me coz was just quiet when he talked a loat but the second time i stand for myself already so i shouted him back and saying names too and that made him pissed of...was about to call a cop that time but he begged me and kneel infront of me not to and just went to his mum's house to sort it out.
i was staying that night to his mum's and i can feel and see that his mum want me stay cos she dont want to be far to her grandchild :(