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Thread: i need help pls :(

  1. #31
    Respected Member Geraldine's Avatar
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    Dont let him ever hit you again...if he does, call the police no ifs/buts! Good thing you didnt get married now that you know his true attitude. You deserve someone better.

  2. #32
    Respected Member Sconnie's Avatar
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    I can only support the advise from others now, after reading your additional posts.

    You need loving family support for you and your child, in my opinion you will not have this support here with this bully, the situation will only get worse.

    You should go home to Phil. I know this is not easy to do but for your sake and the sake of your baby you should go and leave this brute behind.

  3. #33
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    oh my God...what the heck of a man he is ! he deserves none of your love and attention, i won't advice you stay NOR to take all those moan and unreasonable damn behavior he shown to you, its already over the limit, if i were you am gonna slap his face up, what a shame on him to do such thing, he even has no right to do any single thing to feel you bad about, i don't think so if you need to extend up more of your stay just to live up with those miserable life, the longer you stay, the more you feel hurt... much even worst when he is in contact with someone else online ....goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh girl that is really damn unacceptable ....

  4. #34
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by miserable View Post
    hi penny!!

    ur right,he is bit bully..thats what his mother said to him as well.he hit me twice already..the first one when was pregnant,coz of my jealousy of that girl..he hit me coz was just quiet when he talked a loat but the second time i stand for myself already so i shouted him back and saying names too and that made him pissed of...was about to call a cop that time but he begged me and kneel infront of me not to and just went to his mum's house to sort it out.
    i was staying that night to his mum's and i can feel and see that his mum want me stay cos she dont want to be far to her grandchild :(
    he's pathetic idiot man
    all things are possible!

  5. #35
    Respected Member aug06_2006's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by miserable View Post
    hi all!!

    yeah am really miserable of my life here

    bear with my english guys cos am not that good really

    i met online this english man 2 years ago and when we met in person after we've known each other for a year,that was nice time and that i got we decided to get a fiance visa to come here in UK.

    my visa will end on 3 months and no plans yet if we get marry..seems all days here are arguments..he so moaned that will made me in mood.i thought all will changed when the baby came but getting worst.he moan and moan everyday for all expenses.i cant even help him coz cant work :( he has loads of debt cos of his ex gf ,they became friends when we knew each other
    but still he took the responsibilities,for the daily living of that girl but early this year he can't contact that girl anymore.

    always in my mind that i better go home when my visa end than living with him moaned and shouting of me,saying a names.. but i want take my daughter that the name is after my partner.what am gonna do?i know he will fight for our child.i just cant stand living with him,my sacrifices here is for my daugter's sake and my respect to his daughter's granny loves her much.
    and i just found out the father of my daughter talking other woman online.he always moaned when out of money but yet can pay for that love matching site just to talk to another girl.

    thank you
    Sorry to hear ur story...

  6. #36
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    hi all!!!

    sorry just get back,,so busy with my baby
    thank you for all ur replies,,really appreciated!!

    am confused now coz his mum trying me always to feel good and keep asking me to stay for baby's sake and said to me she cant live without her grandchild..i know,she does..i can really feel and see how much she loves my daughter..she take some expenses for the baby.
    and that idiot man still on that dating site..he just told me thats why he go online to talk coz no one talks to him cos am just quiet here in the house..
    i dunno i cant even talk to him since,i haven't any respect to him..
    he said to me am so horrible and havee no care to him..i just said back to him "coz u made me one"

  7. #37
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you need to do something b4 your visa runs out, it's too late then. it looks like its over btw you and him ?. so you either go back to the phils with your bb, or you start to try and do something about trying to stay here with the help of his mom.

    you need to speak to her, it looks like your wasting your time with him, he just wants you gone, and speak to his mom, about your options, and do what's best for you, your bb and his grandma. go to your local law centre, and get free legal advice, and find out what rights you have, if any to staying here, and do it asap

  8. #38
    Respected Member reginacarlson's Avatar
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    For your sake as well as your baby's, dump this guy! He's not worth it! Don't tolerate this kind of treatment! Get out of there while you still can. If he has hit you already then chances are it could happen again, who knows what other things he's capable of? Make sure you come back to the Philippines before your visa expires so should you wish to return to UK in the future there won't be any problem.

  9. #39
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by miserable View Post
    hi all!!

    yeah am really miserable of my life here

    bear with my english guys cos am not that good really

    i met online this english man 2 years ago and when we met in person after we've known each other for a year,that was nice time and that i got we decided to get a fiance visa to come here in UK.

    my visa will end on 3 months and no plans yet if we get marry..seems all days here are arguments..he so moaned that will made me in mood.i thought all will changed when the baby came but getting worst.he moan and moan everyday for all expenses.i cant even help him coz cant work :( he has loads of debt cos of his ex gf ,they became friends when we knew each other
    but still he took the responsibilities,for the daily living of that girl but early

    this year he can't contact that girl anymore.

    always in my mind that i better go home when my visa end than living with him moaned and shouting of me,saying a names.. but i want take my daughter that the name is after my partner.what am gonna do?i know he will fight for our child.i just cant stand living with him,my sacrifices here is for my daugter's sake and my respect to his daughter's granny loves her much.
    and i just found out the father of my daughter talking other woman online.he always moaned when out of money but yet can pay for that love matching site just to talk to another girl.

    thank you
    I feel so sorry for you. You dont deserve this get out there and make your stand. You need somebody right now that could help you. I would suggest go to your nearest CAB as soon as possible before your visa runs out. Think about your baby. I know its tough but you have to made up your mind now as what to do. I will pray for you and your baby dai. Goodluck

  10. #40
    Respected Member cruisingkerry's Avatar
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    What an awful story! poor you!

    As everyone else has said get out and take your baby with you. No matter what his mother says. Does she know he hits you and is a womaniser?? What does she say about that?? Or is he abusive with her too?

    There is no way any man british or otherwise sshould be allowed to continue with this kind of behaviour.

    What an a++!hole I say, get advice as everyone else has said and get out, for your sake and the baby's sake.

    Sham you can't name and shame him - bet this other girl wouldn't be keen on him if she knew his real game.....

    Best of luck
    K xx

  11. #41
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by miserable View Post
    hi all!!!

    sorry just get back,,so busy with my baby
    thank you for all ur replies,,really appreciated!!

    am confused now coz his mum trying me always to feel good and keep asking me to stay for baby's sake and said to me she cant live without her grandchild..i know,she does..i can really feel and see how much she loves my daughter..she take some expenses for the baby.
    and that idiot man still on that dating site..he just told me thats why he go online to talk coz no one talks to him cos am just quiet here in the house..
    i dunno i cant even talk to him since,i haven't any respect to him..
    he said to me am so horrible and havee no care to him..i just said back to him "coz u made me one"
    Your mom's boyfriend has got nothing to do for you when your(visa runs out)yes, but the best thing to do is to talk to your bf/fiance tell him straight that your visa is gonna run out and you have to get married as soon as possible coz if it does'nt you have to go back home with your baby,"for the sake of your own child you have to try harder to make things work for both of you...if you have no respect on him just think of your baby try talking to his mom maybe she can help through talking to his son...try the possiblest way you least you did the best you can for your child.
    it this things does not work then your last option would be to go back home...
    Filipina a born survivor!

  12. #42
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    Remember if the person is already an adult it would take a lifetime for that person to change. Don't waste your time to a worthless person. Value and love yourself. Tough but you made a mistake and just have to stand up for it. Your child will be very proud of you after you overcome this. Also would you want to bring the child up in that kind of environment? remember domestic violence accelerates so the earlier the better. Nothing to be ashamed when you want to go back. Good and bad things happens. Where are you in England as my gF would be willing to help you. She knows a lot of things. She has been through a lot also. She was reading this and was really upset why some man takes you out of PI then just wreck your life here, not fair as there are a lot of laws that you are not familiar with.

    Best way forward is to go to CAB and seek rigths for your child as you are not married to him. Do it quickly as your visa is expiring.

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