Quote Originally Posted by amyburple View Post
When I bought this laptop 2 years ago I use IE as my web browser... And then earlier this year I delete it because I'm really having a problem It always hand grrrrr so I decided to use mozilla so everything is fine... I'm printing the our CHAT HISTORYwith my hubby from MSN (i will include tht on my evedences on my FIANCEE VISA application) now I try to open it but it's supported on IE browser so now when I want to open it waaaaaaa it takes me AGES before it will open... I donwloaded new IE tonight just fopr that and I guess it's 8.0 version but then still it's hangs and soooooooooooo slowwwwwwwwwwwwwww
I would hazard a guess and say that by now, your laptop is full of stuff, and you need to upgrade the RAM to speed it up a bit.
Deleting some old, and very seldom, used programs could help slightly.
Defragging could help, but not much.

But I will now relinquish the floor to the real "Techies".....

Over to you....

Roger and out.....