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  1. #1
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Unhappy Web Browser

    Hello people

    I'm having problem hayyyyyyyyy I'm printing now my CHAT HISTORY now but the problem is I used INTERNET EXPLORER before and thn I changed into MOZILLA FIREFOX because I thinks it's better than INTERNET EXPLORER... Now every time I will open the chat history everything will FREEZE and hang and it takes me AGES huhuhuhuhuh to SORT it out grrrrrrrrr ...

    Do you have any problem using INTERNET EXPLORER as your WEB BROWSER... After this printing stuff I wuill DELETE the Entire PROGRAM.. and I will go on with MOZILLA...

  2. #2
    Member sneaker23's Avatar
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    IE has always be a pain to me... I am using mozilla for 6 years now... and no turning back in using IE.

    I find mozilla fast and lots of features... whereas IE is sooooo slow and hangs on sometimes.

    I am testing out a new browser from google... its called chrome.

    If it works great.. I may be using two browsers

  3. #3
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sneaker23 View Post
    IE has always be a pain to me... I am using mozilla for 6 years now... and no turning back in using IE.

    I find mozilla fast and lots of features... whereas IE is sooooo slow and hangs on sometimes.

    I am testing out a new browser from google... its called chrome.

    If it works great.. I may be using two browsers
    If you like Chrome you may prefer IRON

    Its Chrome Sans google snooping

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Hi AMY what verison of Internet explorer are you using? Is it fully updated?

    Do you have extra tool bars and what not on IE. Have you run anti spyware and checked on hijack this to see if anything slowing it down?

    Also what chat history are you printing and why do you need to print it in IE?

    Can we help you find a quicker and easier solution?

    IE is far from perfect but like mozilla and chrome (both made on the google coampus i belive) it has its good and bad points.

  5. #5
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Hi AMY what verison of Internet explorer are you using? Is it fully updated?

    Do you have extra tool bars and what not on IE. Have you run anti spyware and checked on hijack this to see if anything slowing it down?

    Also what chat history are you printing and why do you need to print it in IE?

    Can we help you find a quicker and easier solution?

    IE is far from perfect but like mozilla and chrome (both made on the google coampus i belive) it has its good and bad points.

    When I bought this laptop 2 years ago I use IE as my web browser... And then earlier this year I delete it because I'm really having a problem It always hand grrrrr so I decided to use mozilla so everything is fine... I'm printing the our CHAT HISTORYwith my hubby from MSN (i will include tht on my evedences on my FIANCEE VISA application) now I try to open it but it's supported on IE browser so now when I want to open it waaaaaaa it takes me AGES before it will open... I donwloaded new IE tonight just fopr that and I guess it's 8.0 version but then still it's hangs and soooooooooooo slowwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by amyburple View Post
    When I bought this laptop 2 years ago I use IE as my web browser... And then earlier this year I delete it because I'm really having a problem It always hand grrrrr so I decided to use mozilla so everything is fine... I'm printing the our CHAT HISTORYwith my hubby from MSN (i will include tht on my evedences on my FIANCEE VISA application) now I try to open it but it's supported on IE browser so now when I want to open it waaaaaaa it takes me AGES before it will open... I donwloaded new IE tonight just fopr that and I guess it's 8.0 version but then still it's hangs and soooooooooooo slowwwwwwwwwwwwwww
    I would hazard a guess and say that by now, your laptop is full of stuff, and you need to upgrade the RAM to speed it up a bit.
    Deleting some old, and very seldom, used programs could help slightly.
    Defragging could help, but not much.

    But I will now relinquish the floor to the real "Techies".....

    Over to you....

    Roger and out.....

  7. #7
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Depending on what versions of plug-ins you have, browser version, add-ons, etc, all browsers will crash.

    IE7, Firefox 2, Opera 9, all crash at some point with me.....and the new Google browser can't even handle Betfair
    Keith - Administrator

  8. #8
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Depending on what versions of plug-ins you have, browser version, add-ons, etc, all browsers will crash.

    IE7, Firefox 2, Opera 9, all crash at some point with me.....and the new Google browser can't even handle Betfair

    Indeed none of them are realiable all work in progess it feels.

    If you have latest msn messagner which i just loaded on as i dont use it normally.

    you open firefox

    go to left hand corner of screen click on file

    then open file (or you could press ctrl +o)

    then go click on my documents

    then my recieved file.

    then open the xml files.

    Or you can rightclick on why of the files in the my recieved file go to open with and then find the choose file.

    then browse file then find mozilla firefox and click on the firefox icon.

    you then should be able to open the xml file with firefox.

    Only had a quick look and a touch busy this evening with this an dthat but if you need more help just holler..

    If you have the latest office suite 07 that can read xml files as can other programs.

    Again just shout if you need help with.

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